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Alumni Support research and education Groningen University Fund Prijzen en penningen GUF-100 prizes

Ilse van Tuinen

Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies

Ilse van Tuinen has been a student for eight years, but is not an ‘eternal student’ in the classical sense of the word. Quite the contrary! After successfully completing a Bachelor’s degree programme in Psychology for three years, with an average mark of 8.1, which she combined with the Honours College programme, she enrolled in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Religious Studies which she completed in three years, cum laude, and with an average mark of 8.4; she then followed the Master’s degree programme in Religion, Conflict and Globalization with an average mark of 8.5, and is now working towards completing her Master’s degree programme in Religion, Health and Wellbeing: Spiritual Care’ for which she received an average mark of 8.4. In addition to these outstanding and always timely study results, Ilse has developed a great variety of other activities. She worked no less than five times as a research or student assistant, was a member of the Board of the student association Gerardus van de Leeuw for two years, one of which as President, and was active as the secretary of a number of committees within this student association; she is currently the President of the advisory committee of Gerardus van der Leeuw and is the association’s confidential advisor; she was a student ambassador for both her Bachelor’s and her Master’s degree programme, was a member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies for one year, and also student assessor of the Faculty Board for one year, and she is a member of the UG Anniversary Committee.

Ilse held a convincing pitch in which she clearly demonstrated her broad interdisciplinary vision.

Ilse van Tuinen
Ilse van Tuinen
Last modified:07 July 2023 3.27 p.m.
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