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Alumni Support research and education Groningen University Fund Prijzen en penningen GUF-100 prizes

Adrian Sidhu

Faculty of Science and Engeneering

Adrian Sidhu is a Master’s student in Physics, who, after successfully obtaining his Bachelor’s degree with an average mark of 8.1, has completed his Master’s degree program also with very high marks (cum laude, average mark: 9.2). In addition to his studies, Adrian has completed the Honours Master’s program High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM), achieving high marks there too; average mark 8.6, and cum laude. The members of the faculty selection committee were of the opinion that in terms of academic performance, Adrian belongs to the top 5% of best physics students. The two accompanying recommendation letters from his supervisors were both extremely enthusiastic.

It is interesting to note that Adrian achieved these beautiful study results while also holding a great many student assistant positions. He did a marvellous job as a teaching assistant, and played a crucial role in the sudden shifts required during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to these student assistant jobs and other laboratory work, he is financially independent and can afford to spread his Master’s degree program over three rather than two years. In addition to learning to conduct research, it is also important to learn to teach. As he rightly says himself, science is not just about collecting knowledge, but also about sharing it. In addition to his work as a teaching assistant, Adrian has also been a mentor for first year students. In the first year of the COVID pandemic, Adrian was the head of the student mentoring program, having led a team of 17 mentors.

Alongside these academic activities, he is culturally active at the Groningen University Theater Society (GUTS) where he has also taken on administrative duties as the GUTS treasurer.

Adrian’s pitch was a perfect example of clarity, which is remarkable considering his topic, qubits, which is very hard to grasp for most people. Adrian was very active in the various discussion sessions at the GUF100 prize-winner selection meeting, which was very much appreciated by the jury.

Adrian Sidhu
Adrian Sidhu
Last modified:15 July 2023 1.37 p.m.
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