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Alumni Support research and education Groningen University Fund Prijzen en penningen GUF-100 prizes

Bas Ankoné

Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

Bas Ankoné presents himself in his motivation letter and in his pitch as an ‘eternal student’. That is not usually considered something to be particularly proud of, but in Bas’s case, it turned out that this characterization can be very positive. Bas has certainly not been sitting still and has studied in several fields and faculties, thus developing into a versatile and multidisciplinary person. In addition to his studies, he has also been very involved in a wealth of valuable activities, activities that are not directly associated with the idea of the ‘eternal student’ per se. With respect to his studies, he has no fewer than three Bachelor's degrees (in Psychology, Minorities and Multilingualism, and Philosophy of Social and Economic Sciences) from three different faculties, he has completed a Master’s with an honours predicate (in Making the difference!), and he is in the process of completing three additional Master’s degrees (in Applied Social Psychology’, Philosophy, Politics and Economics, and International Political Economy). As mentioned, in addition to his studies, he is also very involved in many other activities. For example, he founded the ‘Philosophy Green Office Embassy’, he acts as advisor to political party Volt, he has been a teaching and research assistant at the faculties of Behavioural and Social Sciences and Philosophy, he was an ambassador for the Honours programme, he has worked for Simplon and Eurosonic, and he has supervised the organization of several major events. He has also been active in several committees of the Albertus Magnus student association—too many to mention, in fact. His pitch was delivered with great enthusiasm and demonstrated, interactively and with conviction, not only the breadth of his interests and knowledge but also his will to apply them.

Bas Ankoné
Bas Ankoné
Last modified:15 July 2022 12.49 p.m.
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