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Student housing

‘The screaming came from under the floor and was accompanied by a bumping noise.'

‘I laid in bed, cramped, afraid to move. My eyes on the contours of furniture in my room, lit by the little light from outside that managed to penetrate through the curtains. The rustling of paper was the last straw. I jumped of my bed in my pants and shoes, easily done in one act as my room was not bigger than a broom closet, and I fled. Rarely had I cycled so fast through Groningen, looking for a safe shelter for the night. The only remedy was to pour concrete in the ‘gambling den’ of the rats to get rid of them, said the exterminator the next day. Needless to say, my landlord didn’t think this was necessary.’

E. Ponsioen, Andragogics 1988 @UniversityofGroningen #UGCommonGround #UGalumni #tbt

Laatst gewijzigd:11 juli 2019 12:59