Next generation

"I immediately want to turn around, but my curiosity and a sense of duty gives me a boost and I go back in time to about twenty-five years ago. Just like then in an old sweater and pants, armed with a bucket, soapy water and rags. At that time I was happy with my new house, and now I’m happy that my daughter has found a nice shelter. My mother bought it when my brother and I studied in Groningen; she never sold it and now it’s time for the next generation. My daughter has found her way to the University.
A little bit melancholic I wander through the rooms. It was a great time in my life. But now it’s time to get to work. A lot of things need to happen before it can be inhabited!"
Y. te Nijenhuis Logopedics (@Hanze University of Applied Science, 1984) & Orthopedagogics (@UniversityofGroningen, 2009) #UGCommonGround #UGalumni #tbtLast modified: | 11 July 2019 12.59 p.m. |