The Party

‘If I could pick him up at the Goudlaan. He had lost his jacket with his keys, phone and wallet on the celebration party of his first year graduation at the University of Groningen. On my way to pick him up I remember how often I told the story of how I experienced this party as a freshman where I, unexpectedly, met the woman of my life. With no jacket and keys I stood outside ‘Huize Maas’ when a fellow student picked me up; she’s now Paul’s mother for over 19 years.
There he was, enthusiastically waving to me in crumpled pants and only wearing a shirt. I immediately started to tell this story when he interrupted me with a grin, ‘Dad, that party only lasted until half past three, what do you think I was doing for the last few hours?’’
T. Ufkes, History 1984 @UniversityofGroningen #UGCommonGround #UGalumni #tbt
Laatst gewijzigd: | 11 juli 2019 12:58 |