Like Thunder...

‘I saw her getting on her bike with her denim jacket stuffed under the carrier straps. When she was pretty much out of sight, I got on my bike through the sweltering night. Just before the Hereplein I cycled over a denim jacket. Probably her coat. I picked it up. Immediately I felt a bunch of keys in the pocket. I jumped on my bike and chased after her; hopefully to give her the jacket, hand over the keys, speak to her and then – who knows….
Close to the Westerhaven I lost her out of my sight and almost simultaneously in a few flashes a huge thunderstorm broke loose. In the pouring rain, I waited a while and sure enough, she suddenly emerged from the darkness. Her eyes were blazing, and before I knew what was happening, she grabbed the jacket out of my hands. "So, you stole it!" she snapped at me and without me knowing what was happening, she hit my left cheek, overruling the next thunderclap.’
T. Ufkes, History 1984 @UniversityofGroningen #UGCommonGround #UGalumni #tbt
Last modified: | 11 July 2019 12.59 p.m. |