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Qian Zhang, China

Alumna, Bachelors in Economics and Business Economics, 2017
Qian Zhang, China
Qian Zhang, China

The Ancient city

Groningen is one of the oldest University towns in the Netherlands with charming canals and century-old buildings. The University of Groningen has a rich academic tradition dating back to 1614. I still remember the first day I came to visit the University, it was RUG’s 400 years celebration. I had just received my admission letter and wanted to visit the University before making my decision. On that day, I saw hundreds of gray-haired old people coming from far and wide to celebrate their Alma Mater’s big celebration. They were beaming with pride and accompanied by their children, even grandchildren. I could see the twinkle in their eyes. And that's when I decided to be part of this organization. I also dreamt that after many years, I might be one of those to come with my gray hairs to tell my story to the young people.

The Young Blood

Groningen is a city with tens of thousands of students. The city hall square, library, café, bars..wherever you go, you will see young students. The University encourages international experiences; it attracts international students from all over the world. With students from all around the world, we can discuss our studies, life, and future. I have friends from all over the world. I think RUG is everything I could ever imagine for a University; I am honored to be part of this institution.


Qian Zhang is from China. She studied Economics & Business Economics at the University of Groningen. Before coming to the Netherlands, Qian studied in Singapore. After her studies in the RUG, she plans to continue to do a Master's degree in Controlling Track.

Last modified:11 July 2019 12.57 p.m.