Víctor Rodríguez Martínez, international alumni ambassador 2012-2013, Spain

Name: Víctor Rodríguez Martínez
Home country: Spain
Programme: Master in International Law and the Law of International Organizations
Scholarship: Partial talent grant from the Faculty of Law
Contact: vikeldar gmail.com
Studying law in my country is much more plain, lectures are only about listening to teachers, copying and memorizing but in Groningen interactive methods are more important.
About stuying in Groningen
I had previously studied in Holland, one of the most appropriate countries to study International Law, some years ago as an Erasmus exchange student. I read very good references of the International Law master programmes offered by the Faculty of Law.
The combination of individual work with interesting and participative lectures, especially seminars and seminar-like courses, are the highlights of my program. Skills gained are organization skills, independence, research skills and the ability to work in a multicultural environment. Studying law in my country is much more plain, lectures are only about listening to teachers, copying and memorizing but in Groningen interactive methods are more important.
There is always something new to do and someone to meet in Groningen. Meeting students from different countries makes Groningen unique. The Dutch are very tolerant and respectful, and they know how to have a relaxing and organized life.
The staff have always been helpful, my contact person was Kirsten Wolkotte.
Biking is sometimes a bit chaotic, but it is really nice to be able to go everywhere by bike, and it is healthy. No language barriers, almost everybody speaks fluent English, though I took two Dutch classes at the Language Centre, I think it is positive to try to learn something about the language and culture of the resident country.
I advise students to be open-minded at all times, receptive, never fear to ask for help when they need it, to try to be organized from the start, and arrange for accommodation as soon as possible. Finally, to enjoy what will probably be one of the best experiences in their lives
Víctor Rodríguez Martínez studied Law in Spain. Afterwards he worked as a legal consultant and had different teaching positions, in 2011/12 he pursued a Master in International Law and the Law of International Organizations at the University of Groningen. He includes his successful completion of his studies in the Netherlands in English as a personal achievement and looks forward to a new experience as alumni ambassador of this university. His hobbies include music, reading, swimming, socializing with friends and cooking. He is very interested in helping others.
Last modified: | 22 July 2021 11.48 a.m. |