Mathilde Bos, international alumni ambassador 2012-2013,

Name: Mathilde Bos
Programme: Masters in International Law and the Law of International Organizations
About stuying in Groningen
As a recent graduate, I still feel very connected to my experiences as a student and I look back to my years at the University of Groningen with contentment and enthusiasm. My positive appreciation is amongst others the result of the quality of the education that was provided by the university and the opportunities which I received to expand my personal skills through extracurricular activities for the university. I have completed both my bachelor and my master programme, International Law and the Law of International Organizations (LL.M.) at the University of Groningen. As a Dutch student it was a unique opportunity for me to participate in an English taught master programme with international students. Studying together with students from all over the world was a wonderful experience. Studying and working together in an international setting allows you to learn from each other’s cultural and academic backgrounds. In the courses everyone was able to contribute to the topics, by sharing new ideas and offering new and unique perspectives. The LL.M. programme has broadened my world view, has allowed me to learn how to work together in a multicultural setting and it has brought me wonderful new friends. In addition to the quality of the education provided by the University of Groningen, Groningen is also a wonderful, small but vibrant city, in which you will easily feel at home. For all these reasons I would highly recommend the University of Groningen to you!
Mathilde Bos completed her bachelor ‘Internationaal and Europees Recht’ and her master ‘International Law and the Law of International Organizations’ at the University of Groningen. During her bachelor programme she participated in the Exchange Programme of the Faculty of Law and as a result she completed an academic year at the School of Law of the University of Bristol, UK. Throughout her studies Mathilde worked for the International Office of the Faculty of Law. In the course of her LL.M. programme Mathilde completed an internship with the Political Department of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington D.C.
Last modified: | 22 July 2021 11.44 a.m. |