Winnie Cheserem, international alumni ambassador 2011-2012, Kenya

Name: Winnie Cheserem
Home country: Kenya
Programme: International Economic and Business Law, Faculty of Law
Scholarship: Nuffic
“My research skills have improved and I have learnt more writing skills. Most importantly, I have gained networking skills, which is necessary for my social and professional life.”
About studying in Groningen
“I chose to study at the RUG because of the great reputation of the Faculty of Law and of the University in the world rankings. I was captivated by the fact that it has the largest student population in Holland which meant that the possibility for networking with people from all over the world was highly likely. In addition, the RUG is known for its excellence in research.
My highlights in the programme were the visit to the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia), guest lectures in trade law and contracts law, making presentations and the parties organized by the International Office at the Pancake House during Christmas.
My analytical skills have been sharpened. I can now look at a legal problem from various angles. My research skills have improved and I have learnt more writing skills. Most importantly, I have gained networking skills, which is necessary for my social and professional life.
In Kenya it is hard to disagree with the point of view of your lecturers and sometimes, to even approach them. But in Holland, you can speak to your lecturers and argue your view point more openly.
I have honestly been fascinated by the Dutch culture and way of life. I find that there is a lot that future students from Kenya can learn from the Dutch, most notably their friendly and positive attitude, their work ethic, their discipline and their healthy habits like sporting and eating healthy. I also find the Dutch to be very direct and honest. I have lost my agenda and flash disk with vital information, and was able to recover them intact (only in Holland!).
I have three words for the International Office of the RUG: efficient, hospitable and excellent!
I would advise students that are considering to study at the RUG to be open to interact with the lecturers and fellow students which is vital for their academic and professional life. And they should not forget to have fun! They should go to parties and participate in other student activities. Basically, they should enjoy the Dutch experience!”
Winnie J. Cheserem studied Bachelor of Law at Moi University, Kenyaand Master in International Economic and Business Law at the University of Groningen. She worked from 2005 to 2007 for Robson Harris & Company Advocates in Kenya as a pupil. She subsequently worked at the Ministry of Immigration and Registration of Persons in Kenya from 2007 to 2009 as an Immigration Officer in the Investigations and Prosecutions Section. SinceMay 2009 she is working at the Ministry for the East African Community as a State Counsel.Laatst gewijzigd: | 22 juli 2021 11:43 |