Pham Duc Hung, international alumni ambassador 2011-2012, Vietnam

Name: Pham Duc Hung
Home country: Vietnam
Programme: MSc. Medical Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences
Scholarship: Erik Bleumink Fund
Support for studying and internships, Student Association’s events and friendly staff plus colleagues are the three best features that I will definitely share with friends about the University.
About studying in Groningen:
I first came across the University of Groningen when I was reading the Youth newspaper, the most popular public magazines in Vietnam. This showed how famous the University is. I looked up scholarships and programs at the university’s website, I was really impressed by the reputation, the international environment, the innovative research and the cooperative policy.
Support for studying and internships, Student Association’s events and friendly staff plus colleagues are the three best features that I will definitely share with friends about the University.
Finally, I always remember the statement of the former Rector Prof. Dr. F. Zwarts “wherever you come from and whatever you study, the time in Groningen will be an unforgettable moment in your life”. That is absolutely true for me as the two years in Groningen were really satisfying formy thirst academically as well as enjoying diverse cultures in an international environment.
Currently, I am working as a lecturer in the University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The knowledge and experience which I obtained in Groningen have helped me immensely.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 15 juli 2021 12:05 |