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Aletta Year About

About Aletta Jacobs

Aletta Jacobs: pioneeress for female top talent for 150 years
Source: Aletta Jacobs room, University Museum Groningen
Source: Aletta Jacobs room, University Museum Groningen

A turning point in history

Aletta Jacobs’ University registration in 1871 was a turning point in Dutch history in terms of the position of women in academia. Many women were to follow in Aletta’s footsteps. Together with its partners, the UG wants to emphasize the importance of this extraordinary moment in history and draw continuing attention to the role of diversity in academia. 20 April 2021 will therefore mark the start of a year-long programme filled with activities jointly organized by the UG, UMCG, Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, University Museum and Studium Generale.


Throughout the Aletta Year, the UG will be organizing a wide range of activities, such as the launch of special podcasts on the influence of women and a city walk focusing on the first women at the University of Groningen. In addition, there will be an artists’ project with Aletta Jacobs as the central theme, which will culminate in the unveiling of a mural at a special place in Groningen.


Last modified:03 May 2021 12.03 p.m.
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