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Aletta Year

Aletta Year

On 20 April 1871, Aletta Jacobs was the first woman in the Netherlands to register at a university as a regular student. Prime Minister Thorbecke himself wrote a letter to Jacobs’ father to grant her permission to start a degree programme at the University of Groningen. Exactly 150 years later, on 20 April 2021, the UG, UMCG, Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, University Museum and Studium Generale will jointly kick off the Aletta Year in honour of Aletta Jacobs.

The UG will use the Aletta Year to highlight the theme of ‘women in academia’. The University community will be honouring Aletta Jacobs with a year-long programme filled with jointly organized activities to draw continuing attention to the role of diversity in academia.


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In the words of female academics

Marian Joëls, Dean of the UMCG and author of Baanbreeksters:
‘Aletta Jacobs was way ahead of her time in many respects. She paved the way for all those female students who started University degree programmes after her, particularly in the Medical Sciences.’

UMCG-dean Marian Joëls about Aletta Jacobs

In the words of female academics

Cisca Wijmenga, Rector Magnificus of the UG:
‘I know from experience what it’s like to have to be a pioneer and forge your own path. I feel privileged to be able to function as a role model for other women now, just like Aletta Jacobs did for me.’

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