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Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health
Together for more healthy years
European Researchers' Night 2024

Join us on the European Researchers' Night and at Zpannend Zernike with your activity!

ERN/ZZ 2022

Last years’ Zpannend Zernike weekend, the Groningen contribution to the National weekend of science, brought wonderful experiences to children, their parents, but also researchers! Also, the European Researchers Night on Friday debuted as kick-off for the weekend. This year, we intend to make these great events again at many locations in the Groningen city centre and Zernike Campus and we would love your help with creating this journey!

We are looking for colleagues who would like to participate by setting up an experiment, mini-lecture, installation, or activity that kids or adults can participate in. It is also a wonderful opportunity to collect data or recruit participants for your citizen science project.

The following dates and locations are planned for this year:
Friday 29 September: European Researchers’ Night organised by the UG interdisciplinary Schools for Science & Society*and: Forum Groningen

  • Festival/shows/lectures/talks and more
  • Programme mainly focused on adults

Saturday 30 September: Zpannend Zernike in City Centre & Sunday 1 October: Zpannend Zernike at Zernike Campus

  • Festival/lectures and more
  • For children 6-13 and their (grand)parents

You can choose one or more locations, or you can participate on more than one day. Please register online (even if you still need to develop an activity). The deadline for registration is 1 May 2023. However, the earlier you register, the better we can help you with your activity and the greater chance you get to your preferred location.

Do you need help with developing your activity? For health related topics, please contact Maaike Muller (, for other topics

If you have any practical questions, please contact info

We look forward to your registration and to making it a ‘WOW’ experience for the audience! Feel free to share this call with your colleagues!

* The Schools for Science & Society aim to provide a place where various academic disciplines can meet and join forces to address complex societal questions and that way boost societal impact: Aletta Jacobs School of Public Health, Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI, Rudolph Agricola School for Sustainable Development, and Wubbo Ockels School for Energy and Climate.

Zpannend Zernike is an initiative of Groningen University, the UMCG, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, EnTranCe and De Jonge Onderzoekers

European Researchers’ Night and Zpannend Zernike are partly financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, grant agreement no. 101060416.

Last modified:08 September 2023 4.44 p.m.
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