Winners Greenest Research Awards Groningen
Last Friday the Green Office awarded two prices for the most sustainable research at the University of Groningen during Let's Gro.
- Jury Award: Roy Gommer, Joey Koning, Nynke Kooistra, Maurie Mutsaers en Etienne Wilkens - Groen Grunn
- Audience Award: Samuel Mandiola -Research about potential production of wetland species (cattail and reed) in rewetted peatlands
Roy, Joey, Nynke, Maurie and Etienne performed a project on the potential for urban ecology in the Groningen City centre (Minor People Planet Profit 2014, supervised by Karin de Boer, beta science shop, and Henny van der Windt, SSG).
The jury (chaired by alderman Mattias Gijsbertsen) praised the relevance and broad PPP perspectives of the project, as presented by pitch and lovely poster (displayed below).
Samuel is working on his Master thesis (supervised by Ab Grootjans, EES); his enthusiastic pitch convinced the audience as to the relevance of the subject for sustainability in the region of Groningen as well as worldwide.
The researchers were judged on the following requirements:
- Presentation
- Relevance
- Feasibility
- Quality of the research
The Jury
The jury consisted of three members:
- Alderman Mattias Gijsbertsen with a perspective of Gemeente Groningen,
- Govert Buijs from the University department: Research & Valorisation,
- Wander Jager with a perspective of the researcher.
The future
"We had very positive reactions about the competition and the award ceremony so we will organise a second edition in the future!'
More information
- Radio interview with Yanike Sophie, coordinator Green Office, and Samuel Mandiola, winner audience award.
- More info and register your own sustainable research.

Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 februari 2022 10:32 |
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