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Over ons Actueel Evenementen

Challenging poor behaviour in Academia

Wanneer:do 14-11-2019
Waar:Marie Loke room, Harmonie Building

Morning session 9.00 - 12.30
Afternoon session 13.30 – 17.00
(see full programme details below)

Het Acteursgenootschap plays: #MeTooAcademia: The Learning Curve

Het Acteursgenootschap
Het Acteursgenootschap


Suzanne De Jong is a talented second-year graduate student. When her promotor returns from sabbatical she’s delighted. The internationally renowned Professor Loek Roden is amusing, approachable and inspirational. But during a conference in Berlin Suzanne encounters a darker side of the famous academic. And when the great man doesn’t get his way the consequences for her become catastrophic. Where can she turn for help?

Writer and director: Tony Maples
Actors: Suzanne Spliethoff, Loek van den Wijngaard and Elske Rollema

The play is fictitious but is based on interviews recently published in Science Guide, as well as confidential interviews conducted in the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR).

Followed by: An Active Bystander workshop by Scott Solder

Scott Solder
Scott Solder

‘Calling out bad behaviour can be tough. It’s hard to be the first person to ‘stick your neck out’. Self-doubt can creep in – and you fear rejection by your peers for ‘over-reacting’ or being a ‘killjoy’.

This interactive session is designed to give you techniques to overcome self-doubt, explain the common psychological obstacles to intervening, introduce you to decision making devices to help you work out whether – and how – to take action, run through easy-to-remember language patterns to challenge bad behaviours in an assertive way. It Includes body language and other non-verbal communication techniques to reinforce the spoken word.’

Followed by: Discussion

Full programme details

Morning Session (09.00 - 12.30)

8.45     Arrival with coffee/tea
9.00     Welcome
9.10     The Play, followed by discussion
10.15   Coffee/tea break
10.30   The Workshop
12.00   Discussion
12.25   Closure

Afternoon Session (13.30 - 17.00)

13.15   Arrival with coffee/tea
13.30   Welcome
13.40   The Play, followed by discussion
14.45   Coffee/tea break
15.00   The Workshop
16.30   Discussion
16.55   Closure

Language: English (Dutch allowed if you want to say something and can’t find the right words in English)

If you have any questions, please contact

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