Events from 2019 to 2022
New Year's Reception
New Year's reception
YoungRUG would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy, Healthy and Fruitful New Year. The year has not started as we would have liked, blue Monday still needs to come, and therefore we will organize an empowering New Years’ event. The New Year's Event takes place on 31 January and starts at 4 p.m.
During this event, we will toast to the New Year! A virtual space is created where we can come together, toast and have fun. Would you like to challenge your colleague in one of the games? Or are you just in for a good talk with your colleague?
Join us on 31 January to give 2022 a new fresh start and meet online with Young support staff!
When: Monday 31 January
Deadline for registration: 25 January 2022
Virtual Doors Open: 3.45 p.m.
Where: Virtual place, Link will follow after registration
HR session
HR session
All you ever wanted to know about your salary slip, leave hours and employment option model! Is your salary slip one big puzzle? Do you know what the difference is between statutory leave and supplementary leave? Or are you totally in doubt about the employment option model? Then this is an event for you!
Together with employees from Human Resources, YoungRUG is organizing an event in which you will get information about these HR-related topics. There is also the option to ask questions and you will learn where to go with specific (individual) questions.
When: 1 March 2022
Register deadline: 25 February
Who: all employees from the University of Groningen
Where: online
3 - 3.45 p.m. |
Salary slip and annual statement by Astrid Ottjes |
3.45 - 4 p.m. | break |
4 - 4.45 p.m. |
Leave hours and the Employment Option Model by Hilda van Laarhoven and Lydia Kremer |
Note: during this event, we will not discuss individual cases and/or options!
Compliment Day
Compliment Day
The most positive day of 2022 is coming up: YoungRUG Compliment Day!
YoungRUG is proud to organise the 4th edition of our spontaneous and heart-warming event for some well-deserved positivity. You have the opportunity to send a digital compliment or heartfelt message to one or more colleagues.
You can send in your compliment here! YoungRUG makes sure you (anonymous) compliment will be delivered to the lucky recipient.
Let someone smile!
A personal compliment? Little trouble!
All you have to do is choose the words for your compliment! Your compliment doesn't need to be earth shattering. You can just let a colleague know that they have done a good job at work, say thank you, a word of appreciation or even a deeper compliment. Anything is possible!
How to submit your compliment
Create your unique compliment of maximum 200 characters (in any language you prefer) using this form. Fill out which colleague you want to give a compliment and submit! The compliment can also be sent anonymously.
YoungRUG Compliment Day is completely Corona-proof, without any physical compliment card, but with the same feeling of surprise! The compliments will be sent digitally during the first week of March 2022.
Please send in your compliment before 25 February 2022, 11:59 p.m.
All the compliments and personal data will be removed on 1 April 2022. Compliments that can be offensive or contain sensitive personal data are immediately removed and will not be sent. This decision will be made by two members of YoungRUG and will not be shared with anyone other than the receiver.
Career and Development Event
Career and Development Event
In this 2 hour session you will dive into an exciting journey towards defining your professional values and learn how to present yourself as the support staff professional your (future) department or team needs in order to meet their objectives and experience success.
When: Thursday 31 March
Time: 2.30 - 4.30 p.m.
Who: Charlotte Hoekstra (CharMH)
Registration: Sign up using the registration form. The deadline for registration is 20 March 2022.
Please note that limited spots are available.
As an organizational advisor and coach in the education sector I believe that everybody deserves to become the best version of themselves, and that no period in life is as crucial for ‘becoming yourself’ as your early career. I am a learning and organizational psychologist and I enjoy helping other experience success by translating abstract concepts to practical solutions. Next to that I love being part of transformative environments and the chaos that comes with change.
Music Bingo
Music Bingo
Are you a fan of playing Bingo and do you love music? Then you must be pleased to hear that we have scheduled a new date for the YoungRUG Music Bingo! The event will take place on 13 April, from 7.30 until 9.30 p.m., on-site in a café in Groningen’s city center.
During the Music Bingo, we will play the classic Bingo, not with numbers and balls, but with music and bands. Your hosts will make sure you will be entertained for the entire evening. Sign up here as soon as possible, but at the latest on 8 April, 5 p.m. After signing up, you will receive further information and instructions.
When: Wednesday, 13 April, 7.30 - 9.30 p.m.
Where: Café in Groningen city center
We hope to turn the evening of Wednesday 13 April into a joyous one with laughter, singing and good company, and we look forward to welcoming you!
Game Night
Game Night
What sounds better than spending an evening playing games and eating burgers? Join us playing games and enjoy burgers in a cozy place with vegan food on 17 May 2022.
The evening starts at 5.30 p.m. at the vegan restaurant Lust, Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 58 in Groningen. We start the evening playing board games, like Mens Erger Je Niet (Ludo) or whatever game you'd like to bring. Yes: we ask you to bring your favorite board game ! Don't worry, we're all young professionals, so we handle each other's board games with care. In the meantime, delicious burgers are being prepared. If you wish to join the YoungRUG Game Night, please sign up via this link or the button below, before 13 May 2022.
What: Game Night
When: 17 May 2022, 5.30 p.m.
Where: Vegan Restaurant Lust, Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 58
Bring with you: your favorite board game !
Deadline for registration: 13 May 2022
Finally, please note that the organization of the Game Night requires resources and dedication. Therefore, we expect those to sign up to be present at the event. Please let us know, if you are not able to attend the event on second thought, on 13 May at the latest.
We are looking forward to this event and hope to see you on 17 May!
Lustrum Party
Lustrum Party
Are you ready for a big party? Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to meet your fellow UG colleagues? Then join us in celebrating the first lustrum of YoungRUG during our lustrum party!
The theme is S u m m e r C h i c , so grab that bright summer dress or airy suit from your closet and get those feet off the floor! A DJ plays fresh summer hits and if the weather allows it, our gala will take place in the garden of De Loods - with a fire and marshmallows to roast!
When: 16 June 2022
Time: 8 p.m. - midnight
Place: De Loods, Neutronstraat 3, Groningen
Mentor Programme
Mentor Programme
Are you interested in being coached by a senior colleague? Do you wish to learn from the experience of others on topics such as life-work balance, career path, stress management, or many other topics? Then join the YoungRUG Mentor Programme as a mentee!
Or do you want to share the knowledge and experience that you have gathered during the past years with others? Do you want to get to know your colleagues better and guide them? Then mentorship is just the thing for you!
In 2019, the University of Groningen (UG) mentor programme for support staff was set up by YoungRUG in cooperation with HR. The first three editions proved to be very successful and in September 2022 the fourth edition will take place. Mentor-mentee couples follow an inspirational journey of professional development. A mentor (senior colleague, can be in every sense of the name) provides advice based on his or her own personal experience and expertise. As a junior colleague (when you are relatively new to the job market or new to the UG), you can learn a lot from a mentor and get inspired for your career.
Become a mentee
Sign up
If you want to be a mentee, make sure to sign up before 15 July 2022 and fill out the preferences that you have for topics to discuss with your mentor. -
Speeddate event
It might seem ages ago that you signed up for the mentor programme but in the meantime we have done our best to find three potential mentor matches who you will meet during our speed date event in September. To find the perfect match for you, we will arrange three speeddate sessions of about 15 minutes. At the end of the event you will provide us with your top 3 potential mentors. We will inform you about your perfect match the week after!
If you wish to become a mentee, you have to be available for the speeddate event on 29 September.
When: 29 September, 14:00 - 17:00 hours
Where: Zernike Campus (exact location t.b.a.) -
Your own journey
After the most successful match is made, you and your mentor make appointments to meet each other yourselves.
When: About 5 meetings between October 2022 and February 2023
Where: An office, a cafe, the park, it’s up to your mentor and you!
Are you enthusiastic about the mentor programme? And are you available for the speed date event on 29 September and interested in about five sessions with a mentor until February? Then sign up, no later than 20 July.
Please note that there is a limited number of mentors and application is on a first-come-first-serve basis. Sign up soon, if you don’t want to miss this great opportunity to get advice from a mentor!
Become a mentor
As a mentor, you discuss the challenges experienced by your mentee during his/her career and you give advice based on personal experience. The mentor is always a colleague from a different department, who is at least one step further in his/her career.
This is what we expect from you:
- A minimum of five years of working experience within the UG
- You want to share your own experiences and ideas with others
- Your presence at the speed date event on the afternoon of 29 September from 14.00 - 17.00. Note: the date of the speed date event has been changed from 22 September to 29 September 2022!
- Your time for about five meetings with your mentee between October 2022 and February 2023
- You and your mentee decide together, based on both your needs, what topics you want to discuss
- We do not do “interviews”, but we do ask you to fill in a short form when you register
This is what we offer you:
- A workshop introducing you to what the role of being a mentor entails.
- A speed date event with your potential mentees on 29 September 2022.
- One mentee with whom you will be going through this process, from October 2022 until February 2023.
- The possibility to share your experiences with other mentors during 1 or 2 intervision sessions. These sessions will be facilitated by an experienced coach.
Do you want to know more or do you have questions? Please contact YoungRUG at young
Do you want to be a mentor? Please register before 15 July 2022.
YoungRUG On Tour: UMCG
October - YoungRUG on Tour
The world is full of mysteries and there are also plenty of mysteries in the city of Groningen. To unravel a mystery you have to go on a journey of discovery to find out what the mystery is and this... this is exactly what we will do with YoungRUG on Tour!
This time YoungRUG will explore the endless (underground) corridors of the UMCG; one of the largest hospitals in the Netherlands and the largest employer in the Northern Netherlands. After the tour it is time for a drink in Pub the Frog (location unknown and classified). One thing is certain: spectacle and entertainment guaranteed!
If you wish to join the YoungRUG on Tour X UMCG, please sign up and remember: full = full (max. 30 participants). First come first serve!
When: 20 October 2022, 3 p.m.
Where: UMCG, Hanzeplein 1, Groningen
Baking Workshop
November - Baking workshop
Are you looking for a way to be productive and indulgent at the same time? Well, then the YoungRUG baking workshop is just the right fit.
On 24 November, YoungRUG will organize a fun, hybrid workshop, where we will teach you the intricacies of baking the perfect cake. Under the (online) guidance of a seasoned baker, you will learn some new tips and tricks, whilst baking a nice treat for yourself and your colleagues (that is, if there’s still some left the next day). The workshop can be attended alone, in your own kitchen, but of course you’re free to bake together with more people, as well, if you don’t mind sharing the oven (and the chores).
Finally, we would love for you to share your finished end-product with us, in the form of an ‘unboxing’ video or a nice picture of your bake. Needless to say, if you have any objections to us sharing this material in our newsletter: please let us know.
You can sign up until 17 November. If for some reason, you cannot attend the event after all, please inform us in advance.
When: 24 November 2022, 5 - 7 p.m.
Where: online
College Tour with Cisca Wijmenga
College Tour
The YoungRUG College Tour returns in December! This year the speaker is Cisca Wijmenga , the current and first woman as rector of our university.
In the YoungRUG College Tour, YOU are the interviewer. The interview is led by moderator Meriam Tuinhof: a young and enthusiastic young professional, who’s not beating around the bush. What was Cisca like when she was a young professional? What is the difference in her as a person now? What is her current vision on young support staff at the UG? What is it like to be the first woman as rector of the university? These are the questions that can be asked to Cisca during this interview. Come & ask, and get to know the Rector better during the YoungRUG College Tour!
When: Tuesday 20 December 2022, walk-in at 4 p.m., start at 4.30 p.m.
Where: Der Aa-Theater (Theaterzaal), Akerkstraat 11, Groningen.
After the College Tour there will be drinks with snacks in the Aa-Theater.
About Cisca Wijmenga
Cisca Wijmenga is a Dutch professor of Human Genetics at the University of Groningen and the University Medical Center Groningen. She is Rector at the University since September 2019.
Cisca was born in Drachten. She studied biology at the University of Groningen and obtained her PhD at Leiden University in 1993 with a thesis titled: "Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy: from genetic mapping towards gene cloning".
In 2015 she was one of four winners of the Dutch Spinoza Prize, the highest Dutch distinction for academics working in the Netherlands. She was awarded the prize mainly for her research into the genetic factors associated with coeliac disease. Cisca was also appointed Knight in the Order of the Netherlands Lion on 20 September 2018.
New Year's Event about Investments
YoungRUG New Year's Lecture about Investments!
Our first digital event of 2021 to start the new year! On 27 January the New Year's lecture took place to learn more about investments! Are you curious to know what investments are? Did you manage to save money during the lockdown, because you couldn't go to your favourite bar or have dinner at an exclusive restaurant? Do you look for other opportunities than keep your money on your saving account?
During our New Year's lecture Dr. Lammertjan Dam from the Faculty of Economics and Business will talk about investments and provide you with some tips. You don't want to miss this!
When: 27 January, 4 - 5 p.m.
Where: From your comfortable home (bring your own beer)
For who: Young UG support staff and YoungRUG relations
Compliment Day
YoungRUG Compliment Day
The most positive day of 2021 is coming up: YoungRUG Compliment Day!
It is almost a year ago that the COVID-pandemic started, but it is not keeping us from staying positive! Especially, in these weird times, it is important to give a digital compliment, heartfelt message or sign of appreciation to your fellow colleagues. Work happiness has never been more important!
When: 1 March 2021
How to submit your compliment
Create your unique compliment of maximum 200 characters (in any language you prefer) using this form. Fill out which colleague you want to give a compliment and submit! The compliment can also be sent anonymously.
YoungRUG Compliment Day is completely Corona-proof, without any physical compliment card, but with the same feeling of surprise! The compliments will be sent digitally on 1 March 2021.
Please send in your compliment before 26 February 2021, 11:59 p.m.
Music Bingo
YoungRUG's online Music Bingo!
Does Bingo sound like music to your ears? Do you feel that Bingo has a nice ring to it? Are you a fan of playing Bingo and do you love music? Then you must be pleased to hear YoungRUG is organising a Music Bingo! Join us on Thursday, 18 February for this fun event. Laughter and (fake bingo) singing guaranteed!
During the Music Bingo we will play the classic Bingo, but not with numbers and balls, with music and bands. Your hosts will make sure you will be entertained for the entire evening.
When: Thursday, 18 February, 7.30 - 9.30 p.m.
Where: From your comfortable home
For Who: Support staff
YoungRUG PubQuiz
On 18 March, YoungRUG will be organizing a pub quiz! Since we cannot go to the pub, we will take the pub to you!
Café de Toeter will be our online host for the night and they will challenge you and your colleagues to explore your knowledge. Be aware that there will also be some University related questions, so choose your teammates wisely. The winning team will be awarded with a price and eternal glory! (In order to be eligible for the price, your team should consist of a maximum of five team members.)
When: 18 March 2023
Time: 8 - 9.30 p.m.
Where: Your home - or any location you prefer
Please note: If you are participating in a team, make sure that every member fills in the registration form, so that we know how many participants there are. In the registration form you can then fill in your chosen team name.
Don't worry if you do not have team yet! You are more than welcome to fill in the registration form as well. We will check if you can be added to another team! It is also fine if you want to take everybody on by yourself.
Career and Development Event: Control your own destiny!
Career & Development Event: 'Control your own destiny'
On 19-22 of April YoungRUG will be hosting the fifth edition of our successful Career & Development Event! Join us to start building a strong foundation for the future! Once again due to Corona measures, the Career and Development event will take place completely online in April!
This year YoungRUG offers an online programme focused on controlling your own destiny. We will host three online introductory workshops 'Positive Psychology and Mental Resilience’ by Paul Zwama, which will be held twice and ‘Practical Tools to Improve the Quality of Your Life!’ which shall be given by Solmaz Barghgir! More information about this workshop can be found below. Only a limited number of places are available per workshop and you can only join one of them so sign up now.
Besides the workshop there will once again also be the option to participate in personal HR coaching sessions.
Monday 19 April, 3.30 - 5 p.m. |
Workshop ‘Positive Psychology and Mental resilience’ |
Wednesday 21 April, 1.30 - 3 p.m. |
Workshop ‘Positive Psychology and Mental resilience’ |
Thursday 22 April, 3 - 4.30 p.m. |
Workshop ‘Practical Tools to Improve the Quality of Your Life!’ |
Monday till Thursday, multiple time dates and times |
HR coaching sessions |
Location: Online
Register: Sign up here!
Workshop 'Positive Psychology and Mental resilience' by Paul Zwama
Do you want to learn more about positive psychology and mental resilience and how to utilize them to your advantage? If so, sign up for one of the two workshops now!
The workshops will discuss the following topics:
- What are my energy sources and energy leaks?
- How to steer negativity to something positive
- How to deal with negative people
- What does mental resilience mean for me and how will I achieve mental resilience
- How to stay positive and motivated in times of Corona
Workshop 'Practical Tools to Improve the Quality of Your Life!' by Solmaz Barghgir
“Do you want to enjoy your life more? Would you rather take control of your emotions & be in charge? Are you curious to know what is the reason underneath any decisions you make?”
Yes? Then this workshop would be a great place to start! bHere is a summary of which we will go through and cover as a team in the coming workshop;
- Three Forces that control your destiny
- Six Human needs which are your driving forces
- Three Patterns that create emotion and you can use them to change how you feel any given time
- Six Steps to master your emotions
After registration
After signing up, you will receive an email with your final registration a week before the event. Please bear in mind that there are costs involved depending on the number of participants. Therefore, we kindly ask those who registered for a workshop to send an email to 48h prior to the workshop if you are not able to attend.
Looking forward to virtually meeting you in April!
Career perspectives: focus groups
Wanted: Input from Young professional support staff about career!
Do you want to share your wishes, ideas and needs for your personal and professional development? Do you have ideas about how career related activities and personal development possibilities should be organised within the University of Groningen? We are very curious to hear what you think about your own development and how this should be organized within our organization
YoungRUG is working on a project about Career Perspectives within the University, which aims to get more insights in the wishes and needs of young professional support staff. To this end, we would like to talk directly with some young support staff volunteers, and therefore we are organizing four online input sessions in the period from 15 to 23 April. Are you interested in sharing your view on your development? We would love to see you there!
Mentor Programme
Are you interested in being coached by a senior colleague? Do you wish to learn from the experience of others on topics such as life-work balance, career path or stress management, or many other topics? From March 15th on it is possible to sign up for this year's edition of the mentor programme!
Mentor programme
Since two years, the University of Groningen (UG) mentor programme for support staff was set up by YoungRUG in cooperation with HR. The first two years proved to be very successful! In May 2021 YoungRUG will start our third mentor programme for support staff in cooperation with HR. Mentor-mentee couples follow an inspirational journey of professional development. A mentor (senior colleague, can be in every sense of the name) provides advice based on his or her own personal experience and expertise. As a junior colleague (when you are relatively new to the job market or new to the UG), you can learn a lot from a mentor and get inspired for your career!
What does the Mentor programme look like?
After your registration we organize an information event (online), where you will receive more information about the programme and expectations. Based on the information you provide in the questionnaire when signing up, we will make three potential mentor-mentee matches. To find the perfect match for you, we will arrange three speeddate sessions (online), where you can get to know several mentors. If you wish to become a mentee, you have to be available for both the information event and for three speeddate sessions with potential mentors in May:
Information event
On May 6th, we want to inform you further about what to expect from the mentor programme! You will meet fellow (junior) colleagues, get tips & tricks from HR and will view an enthusiastic presentation from mentor-mentee couple from a previous year.
Speeddate sessions
Based on the information you provide in the questionnaire when signing up, we will make three potential mentor-mentee matches.. We will inform you about your potential mentors in due time, so that you can set up online meetings (around 10-15 minutes each) with these mentors on May 18th and 19th. At the end of that week, we ask you to indicate a top-3 and we will inform you about your perfect match the week after! After the most successful match is made, you and your mentor make appointments to meet each other yourselves.
When: May 2021
Where: Online
For Who: RUG support staff
Interested in becoming a mentor for the Mentor programme?
Contact Jildou Spoelstra for further information about the application:
Escape Room
Escape Room
Put on your detective hat! On 14 October, we will uncover one of Groningen’s most mysterious secrets. Dive into the history of both the city and the university in YoungRUG’s very own escape room!
The event will take place on 14 October, at 3 p.m. We cannot tell you a lot more, because the whole event is still shrouded in mystery… We only know it will take place in the city center, that there will be drinks afterwards, and a prize will be handed out to the group that solves the riddle the quickest.
Do you have what it takes to uncover the secrets?
Christmas Challenge
YoungRUG Christmas Challenge
This is your opportunity to wish your colleagues a happy Christmas or tell them your Christmas story in the most creative, daring, fantastic, or daunting way. The most amazing wish or story wins an unforgettable prize.
Who: all staff members from the University are welcome to participate in this challenge!
What: make a video of 10-15 seconds and send it to . A completely objective jury will decide upon the winner.
How: this is up to you! Give it everything you got!
However, there are a few things to take in mind:
- Record your video vertically (this is better for social media)
- We encourage you to do something creative with colleagues because that’s just more fun, but please do take into account the current corona measures.
- You can film something online and/or on location. Be creative!
Deadline for submission: 20 December 2021
Award ceremony: 23 December 2021, time t.b.a.
End result: all videos will be combined in one awesome Christmas wish/story that will hopefully put a smile on everyone’s face in these challenging times. The video will be placed on social media around Christmas time.
Have fun and when you have any questions, please contact us via
Merry Christmas wishes!
Disclaimer: please note that all videos will be placed on social media. Take this into account when submitting your video and make sure everyone has given their consent to this.
The Cheesecake Bake-Off
The YoungRUG Cheesecake Bake Off
In these challenging times where we are constantly online and having video calls with our colleagues, friends and occasionally attending an exciting pub quiz her and there... It is time to explore all options and add something new to the list. Well, we got you covered!
Shout out to all you kitchen geniuses, sweet tooths and master chefs! It is your time to shine as YoungRUG will organise the YoungRUG Cheesecake Bake Off!
Online you say? Yes online!
On Wednesday 16 December 2020 from 3 until 5 p.m., our very own master chef Shaya Abdolahzadeh will take us on a journey in creating the best cheesecake EVER during this two-hour workshop. We will make sure it is going to be very festive and needles to say; very jummy!
Since we cannot organize a live workshop and gather all materials for you, we have a little surprise as all of the attendees will receive a €10,- giftcard from Hema sent to your home afterwards. Nice huh?!
Please note that you will need a working camera as we would love to see everyone working on screen. Register as quickly as you can via the button below. There are only 25 spots available!
4 Mijl Championship
4 Mijl YoungRUG's Championship October 2020
The ‘Menzis 4 Mijl’ goes virtual this year! This is an unique opportunity to attend this special edition of the 4 Mijl. YoungRUG wants to make this event even more special and organizes their own competition within the ’Menzis 4 Mijl’.
Are you a runner? Join the ‘Menzis 4 mijl’ and sign up for the YoungRUG competition. Not a runner? No problem, you do not necessarily need to run in this YoungRUG’s 4 Mijl edition, read further if you’re interested in joining the 4 Mijl YoungRUG Championship!
We think this is a wonderful opportunity to make this event accessible for everyone. You can always run the 4 Mijl to achieve a personal record by running as fast a possible, but we added another category of most original other way of completing the 4 Mijl. In addition, we have the category of most amazing outfit! Choose how you would like to participate and sign up now!
- The fastest time of completion by running (Registration at official 4 Mijl event is necessary)
- The Best Outfit (Registration at official 4 Mijl event is necessary)
- Most unique way of completing the 4 Mijl (registration at the 4 Mijl event is not necessary)
Location: Choose yourself! (at least make the distance of 4 miles which is 6,4 km)
Duration: You can choose your wave during the day between 9 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Date: 11 October 2020
Anyone can join the YoungRUG 4 Mijl Championship, sign up before 8 October!
For the winner of each category you can win a YoungRUG Champions Cup.
How to join the YoungRUG 4 Mijl Championship?
Only when you intend to run the 4 Mijl:
a) Make sure you register at the 4 Mijl website and follow the instructions on their website
b) Download the MyTrace app (Google play store or App store) and activate your MyTrace ID.
- Sign up by using the following link to join the YoungRUG Championship (before 8 October).
- After your registration, we will inform you how to upload your 4 Mijl track and photo and/or videos.
- Send in a screenshot of the My Trace app or other sports trackers as a proof and include a picture/video from your race on 11 October. Optional: post your 4 Mijl on your own sports tracker app (Strava, NikeRunClub, etc.) or other social media using #YoungRUG4mijl and tag @young.rug
- On Monday 12 October the winners of each category will be announced.
Career and Development Event
Career and Development Event: Be the Master of Your own Journey
From 19 - 22 of October, YoungRUG will be hosting the fourth edition of our successful Career & Development Event! Join us to start building a strong foundation for the future! After the suspension of this event in March, due to Corona measures, the Career and Development event will take place completely online in October!
This year YoungRUG offers an online program focused on career path development. We will host three online introductory workshops. Only a limited number of places are available per workshop and you can only join one of them so sign up now!
Monday 19 October, 4 - 5 p.m. |
HR coaching sessions |
Tuesday 20 October, 3 - 4 p.m. |
Workshop ‘Create your own career - Covey style’ |
Thursday 22 October, 3 - 4 p.m. |
Workshop ‘Enjoying your job’ |
Thursday 22 October, 3 - 4 p.m. |
Workshop ‘Present with impact’ |
Workshop : 'Create your Career - Covey Style' by Mardi Bijleveld
“Do you feel a lack of control on your career and do you want it to be more meaningful? Do you want to be inspired by the one who has the keys? Who acknowledges what a challenge the keys can be to use? Feel welcome! In this workshop we will be inspired by Stephen Covey. We will focus on his three most important principles for a fulfilling career and life. And we will have a bit of practical training and a good laugh, because let’s face it: there’s no creation without a little fun.”
Workshop : 'Enjoying your job' by Jan Pieter Weening
“If you like your job it makes life much easier. In this workshop we will discuss what makes work enjoyable and what doesn’t. We will explore questions like what makes you go home after work with the feeling: that was a really good one?”
Workshop: 'Present with impact' by Eva Pantelakis
“When you give a presentation you communicate in three different ways. With words, sounds and body language. In this interactive workshop you will get insights and practical tips on how to present yourself with more impact. A skill useful at presentations, job interviews and even at parties!”
HR coaching sessions
During the coaching sessions you have the opportunity to talk to a coach. Coaches can help you deal with questions such as: what is the next step in my career? How do I achieve a suitable work-life balance? How do I become more confident? Book a coaching session with your registration and discuss your question(s) with one of the coaches. Limited places available!
Online Event "Leiderschap in crisistijd" - with Younglink
Online event: "Leiderschap in crisistijd" July 2020
Online event: "Leiderschap in crisistijd"
(The spoken language of this event is Dutch)
Even in times of crisis we continue with events. This time YoungRUG and Younglink organize an online event together on Thursday 2 July. The topic of this event is: 'Leiderschap in crisistijd'. We ask Janka Stoker, Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change, which leadership styles work best and why, but also what we as young professionals can improve in our work in these times. In addition, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and we have a little suprise for you...!
Did you miss this event the event or do you want to see the recording of the event, check the following page!
The YoungRUG Home Games
The YoungRUG Home Games - July 2020
Are you in for some challenges with your UG colleagues? Are you (a little) competitive or do you just want some fun from the safety of your home? Then, sign up for YoungRUG's upcoming event! We admit, no one will feel very special for staying home this summer, but if you are ready for some action (from home), this is even more reason to attend this event! Find up to three colleagues to be part of your dream team and sign up for this event (individual sign up is also possible)!
During the week of 6-10 July, you can take part in the YoungRUG Home Games, together with your team of UG colleagues.
What to expect?
Every day you will get another challenge, which only takes up to 15-30 minutes of your time (or longer depending on your creativity...). Shortly after working hours on Monday 6 July, we will have a plenary opening and we will start the week with challenge number 1. In total, you will get five challenges during the week. Credits are awarded to every team for each completed challenge. It is good to keep in mind; credits are highly rewarded for your creativity! After each challenge, you will be updated via social media about the score between the teams. Friday afternoon, 10 July, after the last challenge, we will have online drinks (bring your own beer) with all the competing teams and the announcement of the winning team!
What is in it for you?
Do not underestimate the prize; this is a real trophy to brighten up your home office and a useful accessory for current times!
How to sign up?
Sign up by using the link below before 30 June and save time during the week of 6-10 July. All UG employees are very welcome to attend! In the online form, it is possible to sign up with team members. Didn't find your dream team yet? Sign up individually and we will make sure you are placed in a fantastic team!
Further instructions will follow after registration, one week before the start of the event!

Mentor Programme
Mentor programme May 2020
Do you wish to learn from the experience of others on topics such as life-work balance, career path or stress management (...and many more)?
Mentor programme
Last year, the University of Groningen (UG) mentor programme for support staff was set up by YoungRUG in cooperation with HR. The first pilot-year proved to be very successful! Mentor-mentee couples followed an inspirational journey of professional development. Read more about it in this article (in Dutch). A mentor (senior colleague, can be in every sense of the name) provides advice based on his or her own personal experience and expertise. As a junior colleague (when you are relatively new to the job market or new to the UG), you can learn a lot from a mentor and get inspired for your career!
Online events
To find the perfect match for you, you will arrange professional speeddate sessions online, where you can get to know several mentors. In addition, we will organize an information event (also online), where you will receive more information about the programme and expectations. If you wish to become a mentee, you have to be available for both the information event on 12 May from 4 until 5 p.m. and for three online meetings of 10-15 minutes with potential mentors in the week of 18 May. We hope to continue the mentor programme with physical meetings when the situation allows us to.
Information event
12 May, we want to inform you further about what to expect from the mentor programme! You will meet fellow (junior) colleagues, get tips & tricks from HR and will view an enthusiastic presentation from mentor-mentee couple Niels Rambags and Wietske Degen, who participated in the mentor programme last year! The information event will be held from 4 until 5 p.m.. A link to the online meeting will follow after you signed up for the event.
Speeddate sessions
Based on the information you provide in the questionnaire when signing up, we will make three potential mentor-mentee matches.. We will inform you about your potential mentors in due time, so that you can set up online meetings (around 10-15 minutes each) with these mentors in the week of 18 May. At the end of that week, we ask you to indicate a top-3 and we will inform you about your perfect match the week after! After the most successful match is made, you and your mentor make appointments to meet each other yourselves.
Did you get enthusiastic about the mentor programme? And are you available for the information event on 12 May, the speeddate sessions in the week of 18 May and until December for about five coaching sessions with a mentor? The first step is to sign up here before 5 May !
Please note that there is a limited number of mentors and application is on a first-come-first-serve basis. Sign up soon, if you don’t want to miss this great opportunity to get advice from a mentor!
Finally, because YoungRUG and HR work very hard to ensure a good match between mentors and mentees, be aware that once you sign up for this mentor programme you can no longer cancel your attendance (unless with a very good reason, of course). We will close the sign-up form once the maximum number of mentees has been reached. You can sign up for a waiting list by sending an email to .
We are looking forward to the second cycle of this mentor programme and hope to meet you on 12 May!
While you can still sign up as mentee before 5 May, it is no longer possible to sign up as a mentor. For information for mentors, please see below.
Next event in April/May 2021
Becoming a mentor
Would you like to share the knowledge and experience that you’ve gained over the years with others? Would you like to get to know your colleagues better and offer them guidance? Then mentorship could be for you! As a mentor, you discuss the challenges that your mentee is facing in their career and you offer advice on the basis of personal experiences. Mentors are always colleagues from a different department than that to which their mentees belong and are one step ahead of their mentees in their career paths.
In 2019, YoungRUG and the HR department began a pilot programme in mentoring for support staff. This was a huge success and this year, we are starting a new round. To this end, we are looking for new mentors.
We expect the following from you as a mentor:
- At least five years’ worth of working experience within the UG
- A desire to share your own experiences and insights with others
- Availability during the workshop for mentors (digitally, in the afternoon on 31 March or 9 April) and during the speed-dating week for three 10-minute-video meetings from 18 - 22 May
- Time for around five meetings with your mentee over the course of half a year
- That, together with your mentee, you will take care of the content of your meetings depending on your own needs
We are offering mentors the following:
- A workshop on 31 March or 9 April in the afternoon, in which you become acquainted with what the role of a mentor comprises
- A speed-dating week from 18 - 22 May, during which you talk to three potential mentees via video conferencing, for 10 minutes each
- Finally, one mentee who you will guide from June to December 2020
More information?
If you wish to show your interest in becoming a mentor or mentee in the next round of the mentor programme - that will start around April/May 2021 - please send an email to Jildou Spoelstra:
Corona Compliments
Corona Compliments May 2020
YoungRUG also tries to find its place in these strange and challenging times. Due to the Corona crisis, we have to organize our work differently, work from home and meet our colleagues mainly via Google hangout. Our work happiness has never been more important! Unfortunately, loneliness and despondency are lurking. YoungRUG believes that an extra boost to cheer you up may help to restore the balance in your life.
Therefore, we give you Corona Compliments!
Inspired by the annual YoungRUG Compliment Day, YoungRUG has devised a spontaneous and heartwarming event for some well-deserved positivity. You have the opportunity to send a digital compliment or heartfelt message to one or more colleagues. The event is completely corona-proof, without any physical compliment cards, but with the same feeling of surprise!
You have until 27 May, 11:59 p.m., to send in your Corona Compliment. YoungRUG will make sure it will be sent to your colleague(s).
Last but not least, a shout out to all of you: you are amazing! Together we are strong!
Quarterly drinks
Quarterly drinks March 2020
Every three months, YoungRUG hosts a social: the quarterly drinks! The drinks take place on Thursdays. You have the opportunity to get to know YoungRUG and what we have to offer, in an informal setting. Registration is never needed for quarterly drinks, just drop by!
On 5 March, the second edition of the quarterly drinks was organized at café Wolthoorn & Co. Many colleagues joined and the first drink was on YoungRUG!
Compliment Day
Compliment Day
YoungRUG believes appreciation is essential on the work floor and it is also highly responsible for our happiness at work. Therefore, we celebrated YoungRUG Compliment Day on 2 March 2020!
You could send in your unique compliment beforehand and on this Compliment Day, YoungRUG made sure that the compliment was delivered, including a little present, to your colleague(s). Free of charge! How perfect is that?!
New Year's Lecture
New Year's Event 2020
YoungRUG organized an empowering New Year's Event to survive Blue Monday!
We started the afternoon with an interactive lecture by Dr Marieke van Vugt, where a scientific and practical perspective on mindfulness was discussed. After the lecture, together we toasted to the New Year with drinks! The event was held in Land van Kokanje.
Quarterly drinks
Quarterly Drinks December 2029
On 12 December, the first edition of the quarterly drinks is organized at café de Bres. It doesn't matter if you come from Zernike or the city centre, café de Bres is located right in between! Come and join us for this informal social! It is the perfect opportunity to get to know YoungRUG and what we have to offer. We will start at 5.30 p.m. and the first drink is on us! Registration is not needed. We hope to see you there!
When: Thursday 12 December, 5.30 p.m.
Where: Café de Bres, Grachtstraat 71
Registration: not needed!
YoungRUG on tour goes to... the UB!
YoungRUG on Tour - University Library
How often do you get the chance for an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of one of the UG's most frequently visited locations? On Tuesday 19 November, the University of Groningen Library (UB) will open all its doors exclusively to YoungRUG!
When: Tuesday 19 November, 4 - 5.15 p.m., drinks from 5.15 - 6.30 p.m.
Where: University Library, Broerstraat 4
Registration: here!
On Tuesday 19 November, the University Library will open its doors exclusively to YoungRUG. At 16.00 hrs, we will get a short pitch on what the UB has to offer to UG staff and students. This is followed by the main event: a tour through the library's closed stacks holding 2.5 million books, and a visit at the Special Collections department where the UB keeps its unique, most valuable and oldest materials.
Drinks and snacks will start at about 5.15 p.m. The entire afternoon and drinks are kindly offered by the UB! We hope to see you on 19 November! Please subscribe before 10 November.
Game Night 2.0
Game Night 2.0
Are you ready to play some games? Do you dare to challenge your YoungRuG colleagues? Then sign up for this event! We will start with a pizza dinner before playing games!
When: Wednesday 16 October, 6 - 9 p.m.
Where: Kappenburgsoos (in the basement of the Academy Building)
After last year's succesful Game Night, YoungRuG will organize the YoungRUG Game Night 2.0! For who would like to join, we will eat pizza together before playing games! The Game Night is free of charge but for the pizza, we ask for a contribution of 5 euros.
After the pizza, we start at 7 p.m. with the Game Night! You can expect different types of board games, from old-fashioned card games to simple luck-based games or strategy games. We will take care of the beverages and snacks. For the competitive players amongst us: at the end of the evening a prize is awarded for the 'ultimate' winner! But don't worry if you're not that competitive, the evening will just be fun and games, so sign up now!
Please register your presence here before 14 October. At the registration form, you can indicate whether you would like to join the pizza dinner as well. We are still looking for inspiring board games which are nice to play in an (international) group setting. Are you willing to bring some board games yourself? Then you can indicate this at the registration form as well. We hope to see you on Wednesday 16 October!
Welcome Back BBQ
Welcome Back! Activity and BBQ
On Thursday 19 September YoungRUG will welcome everyone back from their holidays and we will celebrate the start of the new academic year. We will do this with an activity and a BBQ and we invite YOU to join! There are limited spots for the activity, so don't hesitate and sign up now!
2.45 - 3 p.m. |
Walk-in |
3 - 5 p.m. |
Activity @ Survivaltrack Zernike |
5 - 5.30 p.m. |
Walk/cycle/drive to BBQ |
5.30 - 7.30 |
Location activity: Hommes Survival & Outdoor Survivalbaan Zernike, De Bunders 2, 9717 BD Groningen.
Location BBQ: Zernike Campus, on the lawn between Bernoulliborg and Linnaeusborg.
Speed date and Meet-your-mentor event
Speed date and Meet-your-mentor event
Curious about what your YoungRUG colleagues in other departments/faculties do on a daily basis? Wondering how to tackle a problem and want to know how other young professionals are dealing with this? Or do you just wish to get to know colleagues from outside your own team?
Join us on 28 May for our ‘speed date’ and meet-your-mentor event! Get to know your YoungRUG colleagues and/or find a mentor!
Speed Date event
Speed dating is an accessible and fun way to meet your co-workers and learn about their jobs at different faculties and service units of the UG. Also, if you’ve never attended an event of YoungRUG or if you will come to the event on your own, this will be a great opportunity to meet and network with your colleagues. We will make sure that you have topics to talk about and will give you tips and tricks!
Mentor programme
The mentor programme is set up by YoungRUG in cooperation with HR. A mentor (senior colleague) provides advice based on his or her own personal experience and expertise. During this afternoon you will have the opportunity to meet potential mentors. You can indicate your best ‘match’ after having talked to several senior colleagues and after the event, we will try to make a perfect match between you and a mentor. More information about the Mentor Programme can be found here.
Before we start the programme, you will get tips and tricks from Jorien Bakker, Spokesperson at the UG, on how to present yourself and how to ask the right questions.
2.30 p.m. |
Doors open |
3 p.m. |
Opening and welcome by YoungRUG |
3.15 p.m. |
“Tips and Tricks” by Jorien Bakker, spokesperson at the UG |
3.45 p.m. |
Block 1 speed dating and meet-your-mentor |
4.15 p.m. |
Short break |
4.30 p.m. |
Block 2 speed dating and meet-your-mentor |
5 p.m. | Drinks |
6 p.m. | End |
Where? The Greenergy ('Wintertuin') in the Energy Academy, Zernike Campus
Movie night
Movie night
On 18 April YoungRUG will be hosting a movie night to get a good start on a long Easter weekend. We want to show you a movie with a theme related to day-to-day issues on the work floor and would like you to decide with us! The choice is between the following movies:
- The Pursuit of happiness: A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional career.
- Hidden figures: The story of a team of female African-American mathematicians who served a vital role in NASA during the early years of the U.S. space program.
We posted a poll on our Facebook page, where you can vote for your favorite choice!
Where? The Kappenburgsoos, Academy Building, Broerstraat 5 Groningen
When? You are welcome from 6.30 p.m. on 18 April
Sign up now so we know you will be joining us! We will take care of the refreshments!
Career & Development Event
Career & Development Event
On 25 March YoungRUG will be hosting the third edition of our successful Career & Development event. Join us to start building a strong foundation for the future! This year YoungRUG offers a programme focused on leadership and the thirty-something dilemma.
Leadership is a common theme for everyone. Prof. dr. Janka Stoker is director of In the LEAD, a FEB Research Centre where they offer cutting-edge research on leadership and performance issues. At this event prof. dr. Stoker will focus on effective leadership. Are you 'in the lead'?!
So many possibilities and you don't know where to start... In a surprising and creative way we get to work on the quarter-life crisis/thirty-something dilemma.
Coaching sessions
You have the opportunity to talk to a coach. Coaches can help you deal with questions such as: what is the next step in my career? How do I achieve a suitable work-life balance? How do I become more confident? Book a coaching session with your registration and discuss your question(s) with one of the coaches. Limited places available.
Training advisor
It is important to the University of Groningen that staff members have the possibility to develop themselves. To this end, the University offers a wide range of courses that staff members can take. A training advisor will be at your service on site! Feel free to ask questions.
2 - 3 p.m. Coaching sessions (registration only)
2.30 p.m. Doors open, training advisor available on site
3.15 p.m. Opening and welcome by YoungRUG
3.30 - 4.30 p.m. Presentation Janka Stoker
4.30 p.m. Break
4.45 - 5.45 p.m. Thirty-something dilemma
5.45 p.m. - onwards: Drinks
Where? USVA, Munnekeholm 10
YoungRUG volunteer project
YoungRUG volunteer project
February - July 2019
Members of YoungRUG worked on a project with the children of primary school De Heerdstee via Stichting Move. The foundation lets children discover which possibilities they have in their own society. In a short-term project the members of YoungRUG and the children did get to know each other's worlds.
In the beginning of May, the children were introduced to the YoungRUG memebrs for the first time. YoungRUG had prepared a class full of games to get to know each other better. Aftewards, they brainstormed about the theme 'art and culture'. The children were very enthusiastic and had many different ideas.
New Year's Drinks
New Year's Drinks
Out with the old & in with the new
The 21st is a Monday & the color is blue
If you’re ready for 2019, this party is for you!
Join us on 21 January, the most depressing day of the year, to learn about happiness. Colleague Bertus Jeronimus researches well-being and happiness and how it links to affect/emotion and the enviroment in which one lives and works. During this evening Jeronimus will share details of his research and some tips and tricks for a happy 2019.
A great start of the new year with drinks, snacks and live traditional Irish Music! Turn your Blue Monday from depressing to delightful by signing up before 14 January.
When: 21 January, 4.30 - 7.30 p.m.
Where: O'Ceallaigh Traditional Music Bar, Gedempte Kattendiep 13
Who: YoungRUG support staff and YoungRUG relations
16.30 - Walk-in
17.00 - Opening and welcome by YoungRUG
17.15 - Presentation Bertus Jeronimus
18.00 - Celebratory drinks & snacks with live traditional Irish music
19.30 - The end
Happy holidays and we hope to see you all on 21 January!
Earlier events
Last modified: | 26 June 2024 10.57 a.m. |