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Mentor Programme speed date event

When:Th 26-09-2024 15:00 - 17:00
Where:Energy Academy

Are you interested in being coached by a senior colleague? Do you wish to learn from the experience of others on topics such as life-work balance, career path, stress management, or many other topics? » Then join the YoungRUG Mentor Programme as a mentee! «

Or are you excited to pass on the experience and expertise you've gained over the years to others? Are you interested in getting to know your (younger) colleagues better and offering them guidance? » Then mentorship might be the perfect fit for you! «

In 2019, the University of Groningen (UG) mentor programme for professional staff was set up by YoungRUG in cooperation with HR. The first five editions proved to be very successful and in September 2024 the sixth edition will start. Mentor-mentee couples follow an inspirational journey of professional development.

A mentor (senior colleague, can be in every sense of the name) provides advice based on their own personal experience and expertise. As a junior colleague (who is new to the job market or new to the UG), you can learn a lot from a mentor and get inspired for your career!

Mentoring journey

Become a mentee

1. Sign up

If you want to be a mentee, make sure to sign up before 1 July and fill out the preferences that you have for topics to discuss with your mentor.

2. Mentee preparation workshop

During this workshop, we will share all necessary information about the mentor programme with you. This way, you know what you can expect from your mentor, but also what your mentor expects from you. This will help you make the most of this programme!

If you wish to become a mentee, you have to be available for the workshop:

When?     12 or 16 September 2024, 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Where?    Location t.b.a.

3. Speeddate event

It might seem ages ago that you signed up for the mentor programme but in the meantime we have done our best to find three potential mentor-matches who you will meet during our speed date event in September. To find the perfect match for you, we will arrange three speeddate sessions of about 10 minutes. At the end of the event you will provide us with your top 3 potential mentors. We will inform you about your perfect match the week after.

If you wish to become a mentee, you have to be available for the speeddate event:

When?    26 September 2024, 3 - 5 p.m.
Where?   Zernike Campus (exact location t.b.a.)

4. Your own journey

After the most successful match is made, you and your mentor make appointments to meet each other yourselves.

When?    About 5 meetings between October 2024 and April 2025 (depending on your needs)
Where?   An office, a cafe, the park, it’s up to your mentor and you!

Are you enthusiastic about the mentor programme? And are you available for the preparation workshop and the speed date event, and interested in about five sessions with a mentor until April 2025? The first step is to sign up via the button below before 1 July!

Become a mentor

As a mentor, you'll have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with your mentee, helping them navigate the challenges they encounter throughout their career. Drawing from your own experiences, you'll offer valuable advice and insights to support the mentee’s development.

What do we expect from you?

  • At least five years of experience working at the University of Groningen
  • You are open to listening to your mentee's experiences and can offer insights and guidance based on your expertise and experience
  • Your presence at the workshop for mentors on Thursday 12 September from 9 a.m. to 12 noon (if you haven't attended it before)
  • Your presence at the speed date event on the afternoon of Thursday 26 September from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.*. Attendance at the speed date event is required!
  • Your time for approximately five meetings with your mentee between October 2024 and April 2025. The number of meetings depends on your mentee's needs

*If there are too many mentors or if there are no suitable matching possibilities, it may happen that you are not paired with a mentee after the speed date event.

What do we offer you?

  • A workshop focusing on your role as a mentor and the essential skills needed for effective communication with mentees. It offers clarity on your responsibilities and boundaries. Additionally, the workshop provides practical strategies to start your mentoring conversations well
  • An opportunity to meet enthusiastic young professionals during the speed date event
  • The experience of supporting a young professional in working towards a development goal in about five meetings
  • The opportunity to share your experiences with other mentors during a peer consultancy session (in Dutch: intervisie)

Do you want to be a mentor? Please register before 1 July 2024!

Do you want to know more or do you have questions? Please contact YoungRUG at

Please note that there is a limited number of mentors and application is on a first-come-first-serve basis. In the unfortunate event that a suitable matching option is unavailable, you may not be paired with a mentor following the speed date event.

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