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About us Working at the University of Groningen That is why you work at the UG YoungRUG Events

Generation Event

When:Mo 17-04-2023 13:00 - 15:00
Where:UCG Learning Landscape (top floor), room number 223, Hoendiepskade 23/24, Groningen

Save the date! YoungRUG hosts a Generation Event: three UG colleagues who have been working at the UG in different positions and for a longer period of time will tell about their career paths. They will also share tips and tricks and talk about what they would have liked to know when they started working at the UG. A great opportunity for younger staff members to learn from their experiences!

The three experienced UG’ers joining us for the Generation Event are:

  • Mia Vrijens, senior policy advisor international affairs at the Faculty of Arts;
  • Niels Rambags, head of support staff & student affairs at University College Groningen;
  • Sander van den Bos, managing director at University College Groningen.

The Generation Event takes place on 17 April from 1 - 3 p.m. and includes coffee, tea and something tasty. You can register for the event below.

We look forward to this event and hope to see you on 17 April.

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