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Board and active members

Some of the active members

Currently, YoungRUG has 15 active members, of whom 5 are part of the board. The board consists of a chair, a secretary, a relations officer, communications officer and a general board member.

Board members of YoungRUG

Frederiek van Rij
Frederiek van Rij - Chair - University Services - HR & Health
Susanne Dijk
Susanne Dijk - Communications Officer - Faculty of Law - Faculty Office
Klaas Wilts
Klaas Wilts - Treasurer & Relations Officer - University Services - Strategy Department Education & Students
Bas Teunissen
Bas Teunissen - Secretary - University Services - Research & Impact
Deborah Bozzato
Deborah Bozzato - Career & Event Officer - Faculty of Science and Engineering - Faculty Office

Active members

Tim Kousemaker
Tim Kousemaker - Faculty of Science and Engineering - Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen
Marjolein Wiltvank
Marjolein Wiltvank - University Services - General & Legal Affairs
Paul van Duuren
Paul van Duuren - UMCG - Patient Involvement
Hendrik Visser
Hendrik Visser - Faculty of Arts - Institute of Education
Sofie Van den Eynde
Sofie Van den Eynde - Faculty of Science and Engineering - Centre of Learning and Teaching
Bart Talens
Bart Talens - University Services - Research & Impact
Lucia Jansen
Lucia Jansen - University Services - Clustersupport Campus & Community
Davida Tolenaar
Davida Tolenaar - Faculty of Arts - Cluster secretariats
Peer Westerhuis
Peer Westerhuis - University Services - General & Legal Affairs

Former active members

Hinke van der Burg
Hinke van der Burg - University Services - Corporate Communication
Anna-Marije van der Leest
Anna-Marije van der Leest - Faculty of Science and Engineering
Selma Bakker
Selma Bakker - University of Groningen Business School - Faculty of Economics and Business
Marjolijn Onrust
Marjolijn Onrust
Sandy Fidder
Sandy Fidder - University Services
Marja Rozema
Marja Rozema - University Services
Mark Vredegoor
Mark Vredegoor - Center for Information Technology
Wietske Degen
Wietske Degen - University Services - Industry Relations
Lex Jurna
Lex Jurna - Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
Johannes Epping
Johannes Epping - University Services
Marijke Nieborg
Marijke Nieborg - Clustersupport Campus & Community - University Services
Ariënne Dreijer
Ariënne Dreijer
Arlette van Berkel
Arlette van Berkel - Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences
Linda Hofkamp
Linda Hofkamp - University Services - Legal Affairs
Jasper van der Velde
Jasper van der Velde
Valerie Kruijer
Valerie Kruijer
Floor Kuiper
Floor Kuiper - University Services - Research & Impact
Shaya Abdolahzadeh
Shaya Abdolahzadeh - University Library - Education & Research
Roos Feringa
Roos Feringa - University Services - Management Support
Karmen Vukasovic - University College Groningen - Faculty Board
Karmen Vukasovic - University College Groningen - Faculty Board

Privacy disclaimer

The University of Groningen and YoungRUG always handle your personal data with care; you must be able to trust that they will be processed lawfully and protected appropriately. Please find more information about processing data and your rights in the official privacy disclaimer of YoungRUG.

Last modified:26 June 2024 10.47 a.m.
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