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University Ambulatory Groningen

The University Ambulatory Groningen is a facility of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences with classrooms and research and work rooms with specific facilities that are suitable for diagnostics and treatment of children, adolescents, adults and their families, who are experiencing problems with learning, behaviour, education and development.

Scientific Research

Faculty staff conduct experimental or clinical (applied) scientific research in the ambulatory, and they organize trainings and workshops for professionals from the work field.


In cooperation with institutions that focus on daily practice other activities also take place at the ambulatory that link up with the (clinical) subjects from the programmes of Pedagogical Sciences such as General Pedagogical Sciences, Special Education, and Educational Sciences. In this way, students can gain practical experience during the study programme in preparation for the internship and/or future practice.

Borrowing of test material

The Test Centre from Pedagogical Sciences is located in the ambulatory. Students and staff members may borrow tests and other diagnostic materials, under certain conditions.

Last modified:20 June 2024 07.48 a.m.
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