Art or Kitsch?
Datum: | 10 december 2016 |
Auteur: | Peter van der Sijde |

What do you do in Stockholm when the days are short and the weather grey and gloomy? It gets dark here at 3 in the afternoon.
You go and sit in a café or restaurant and simply enjoy life’s little pleasures. Or you go shopping. The Swedes love to do that. In the old centre of Stockholm there are lots of friendly little streets with really great shops. The window displays are full of trinkets, gadgets, art and what have you. There’s something for everyone. Most of the windows are stuffed to bursting and you can’t see the wood for the trees.
Trolls stand nestled next to elks, gnomes, snowballs, Vikings, horses, tankards, bears, Christmas pyramids and other knick-knacks of dubious quality and usually short lifespans. But you can find wonderful Swedish design here too. On a busy Saturday afternoon, in between editing a film and the meeting between Ben Feringa and Minister Bussemaker, I had a spare hour and saw the following interesting lit window displays.
Incidentally, the meeting between Ben Feringa and Minister Bussemaker had already taken place by the time we arrived at the very chic Grand Hotel. We’d unfortunately been given the wrong information.