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Fruitful visit to Stellenbosch University for UMCG 3D Lab

02 August 2024

Experts from the UMCG 3D Lab, Joep Kraeima, Nick Assink, and Reinier ten Brink, have visited Stellenbosch University in South Africa. The visit marked the beginning of collaborative efforts on joint research, clinical initiatives, and educational cooperation.

The team specifically engaged with the colleagues at the Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (BME) at Stellenbosch University and the 3D facility and department of Orthopaedic Surgery of the Tygerberg Hospital.


Launched in 2014, the UMCG 3D Lab focuses on integrating 3D technology and Artificial Intelligence into patient care. This technology is used for visualization, 3D virtual surgical planning, and 3D printing. Within 5 years of launching the 3D lab, more than 1,200 patients who received treatment at the UMCG benefited from 3D visualization or virtual surgical planning provided by the 3D lab.

Visit to Stellenbosch University

During the visit the team was able to see the 3D lab and rural and academic hospitals. They were also able to showcase their 3D lab work via presentations. Additionally, they had the opportunity to meet and interact with many colleagues to further exchange ideas.

Outcome of the visit

The visit solidified the partnership between the University of Groningen and Stellenbosch University. A first study in which the 3D bone models of various anatomical structures will be compared was already initiated. Additionally, multiple projects have been devised for collaboration in the coming years. Discussions have also been held about providing mutual education, working out complex case studies in Stellenbosch supported by the UMCG 3D Lab, and exploring the realization of patient-specific implants according to the 'Groningen model' there. Plans are also underway to exchange students through internship assignments.

Last modified:12 August 2024 2.40 p.m.

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