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UG Professors aim to reduce inequality to alleviate poverty and deprivation in Africa as part of CoRE IPD

12 August 2024

On Thursday, 18 July 2024, Professors Robert Lensink, Jutta Bolt and Frank Hindriks were present during the official launch of the Cluster of Research Excellence in Inequalities, Poverty and Deprivation (CoRE IPD) at the University of Nairobi.


The CoRE IPD is one of 20 research clusters uniting top researchers from African and European universities to work on societal and scientific challenges. Initiated a year ago by the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) and The Guild, the cluster aims to reduce inequality to alleviate poverty in Africa by boosting regional research capacity and conducting comprehensive analyses of multidimensional inequalities. Over 10 years, it plans joint summer schools, master’s and PhD projects, a doctoral program, and training for policymakers, civil society, and businesses. Participating institutions include University of Cape Town (UCT), University of Ghana, University of Nairobi, Aarhus University, University of Göttingen, and University of Groningen. Professor Robert Lensink acts as a co-lead together with Professor Murray Leibbrandt (UCT).

Summer school

Prior to the official launch of the CoRE IPD, a five-day summer school took place focusing on the roots of inequality, poverty, and deprivation in Africa. It was a successful event attended by 41 enthusiastic early career researchers.

During the week, Professors Robert Lensink, Jutta Bolt, and Frank Hindriks together with Professors from other CoRE IPD partners gave multiple lectures. Professor Jutta Bolt led sessions focused on pre-colonial and colonial inequality in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as sub-Saharan Africa’s role in the broader context of global inequality. Following her lectures, Professor Robert Lensink discussed financial inclusion, financial development, and their relationship to inequality.

Launch of CoRE IPD

The launch featured speeches from Professor Ernest Aryeetey (Outgoing Secretary-General of ARUA) and Dr. Sean Rowlands (The Guild Senior Policy Officer). Professor Robert Lensink presented more on the cluster together with Professor Murray Leibbrandt. The launch marks a significant step towards addressing critical issues of inequality and poverty in Africa through collaborative research and education.

Image of participants summer school CoRE IPD
Last modified:12 August 2024 1.37 p.m.

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