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Sub-Saharan Africa

The University of Groningen's cooperation with Africa goes back a long time. Collaboration with the University of Ouagadougou, for example, dates from the 1970's. Since then, the University of Groningen has continued to create partnerships with universities in South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana, Ethiopia, Benin, Kenya and many other countries.

The University of Groningen’s contacts in Africa vary in type and scope. They range from exchange and joint research (supervision) agreements with universities and hospitals across Sub-Saharan Africa, to participation in research consortia within the framework of European projects, and capacity building projects financed by the Dutch government or other international programmes.

Research projects conducted by University of Groningen researchers and their Sub-Saharan counterparts span all UG faculties and cover areas such as astronomy, food security, biodiversity, (sustainable) energy, health, economics and business, history, demography, education, anthropology, law, innovation and entrepreneurship.

On this page you can find more information about:

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) strategy 2022-2026

If the forecasts are correct, Africa will shape the future. With its rapidly growing population, natural resources, economic growth and changing political role, sub-Saharan Africa attracts interest from all over the world. The region will see a growing demand for higher education, and higher education and research will be crucial vehicles to address the challenges Africa - and the world - will face, e.g. in the domain of health, green transition, energy, digital transformation, sustainable growth, peace and security, and migration and mobility.

Universities in sub-Saharan Africa are key players for realizing the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. The University of Groningen, too, has committed itself to addressing these global challenges, through the stimulation of interdisciplinary research. Furthermore, we aim to prepare our students for living and working in an international society, by providing a global experience, in our international classrooms and abroad.

In view of the above, the University of Groningen has adopted a comprehensive strategy for sub-Saharan Africa for 2022-2026. Efforts will go towards:

  • Stimulating people-to-people contacts (students and staff);
  • Engaging in (new) partnerships and networks;
  • Boosting educational and research innovation and co-creation;
  • Boosting (interdisciplinary) contributions towards an enhanced research infrastructure in SSA and towards achieving the SDGs;
  • Promoting sub-Saharan Africa locally and connecting (SSA) students and staff with local stakeholders;
  • Positioning the UG and its activities in/with SSA locally and internationally.

Partial travel grants

Part of the strategy is that the UG will offer partial (travel) grants and subsidies to initiate or deepen collaboration between the UG and partners in SSA: universities, research institutes, ARUA Centres of Excellence, (non) governmental organizations et cetera.

The next call for applications will open on 1 March 2025 00:00 hrs and close on 30 April 2025 23:59 hrs. All information is available here (please note that you will be re-directed to a MyUniversity page and will need to log in). We invite PhDs, researchers, as well as teaching staff, academic staff and support staff from SSA institutions to contact their UG supervisor / counterparts for more information.

The latter can submit the application together with and on behalf of their incoming or outgoing guest.

News and events

In the Shadow of the Global North
When:We 05-03-2025 16:00 - 18:00
Where:House of Connections
"Faire-Part" a documentary screening by Cinema Politica Groningen
When:We 19-03-2025 19:00 - 21:00
Where:Harmonie Building (Marie Loke Room), Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 26, Groningen
Summer school on Women-Led Change: Community Engagement and Rural Development in Uganda
From:Mo 26-05-2025
Until:Sa 31-05-2025
Where:Kagadi, Uganda
Summer school on Polarisation: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Societal Polarisation
From:Su 29-06-2025
Until:Fr 04-07-2025
Where:University of Stellenbosch
New joint chair in Computational Astronomy launched
Posted on:24 February 2025

A long-standing partnership between Stellenbosch University (SU) and the University of Groningen (UG) in the Netherlands has been further strengthened with the launch of a joint Research Chair in Computational Astronomy.

Successful launch for Erasmus+ KA220 project ACT UP!
Posted on:24 February 2025

The Erasmus+ KA220 HED project ACT UP! Active Citizenship through Theatre for Urban Politics was successfully launched here in Groningen in January, together with our partners from Oslo Metropolitan University, University of Tartu and the University of Cape Town. The project consortium is led by Marian Counihan and Marline Lisette Wilders from University of Groningen, and includes Rike Sitas, senior researcher from the African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town. While here, Rike also gave an inspiring lecture on arts-based practices and urban politics as part of the "Where is Urban Politics" series.

Dr. Bartelink secures a fellowship from the Catharina Halkes Foundation for a pilot study on religion and gender in Kenya
Posted on:15 January 2025

Brenda Bartelink (Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society / Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences) has obtained a fellowship from the Catharina Halkes Foundation for research on religion and gender. This will enable a pilot study in Kenya carried out together with Dr. Susan Kilonzo from Maseno University, which includes a fieldwork trip to Kenya.

Mathematicians join the Africa-Europe Clusters of Research Excellence
Posted on:17 September 2024

The Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence in Mathematics (CoRE-Math) has been selected as the 21st CoRE to join the initiative led by The African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) and The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities (The Guild). CoRE-Math aims to develop a collaborative PhD programme in mathematics that delivers high-quality, sustainable training to meet the demand for well-trained mathematicians in academia and society.

From Stellenbosch to Groningen: Bismarck's experience studying a semester abroad
Posted on:13 August 2024

Bismarck Olivier from Stellenbosch University shares more on his experiences studying a semester abroad in Groningen.


More information:

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Anita Veltmaat Institutional contact for Sub-Saharan Africa and the strategic partnership with Stellenbosch University
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Bente de Jong for Sub-Saharan Africa strategy and partial travel grants and subsidies
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Erik Haarbrink for (capacity building) projects in the region
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Esme Bakker for (capacity building) projects in the region and formal agreements
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Suzanne Blaauw for administrative support partial travel grants