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March 2021

By Olivier van Eijk, in-house poet 2020-2021

We cried at a church

We cried at a church on a Tuesday
the columns were maybe your shoulders at the heat
of the consolation

when the sun unconditionally loves or hates or indifferently shines
on persons places fountains water and twinkling grass

the world watches over these objects like a humming mummy
merely sighs and cries because of old age

Time is continuously being fined for speeding charges
by the law clerk of nostalgia,

Melancholy and other symptoms of sentimental creatures

maybe the tiles caught our tears
as kids below a pent in the rain
as they carry their heads like crosses
and the church sobs in slow-motion

Jitka van Dijk, student illustratie Academie Minerva
Jitka van Dijk, student illustratie Academie Minerva
Last modified:30 June 2021 12.29 p.m.
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