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About us Profile Facts and figures Sustainability What can you do? Become a Green Office Ambassador


We want to reward the students who spend (part of) their studies on sustainability. We do this by means of a Sustainability Certificate, with which you can prove that you studied the subject of sustainability and did volunteering activities. We have set a number of criteria for obtaining the certificate, which you can collect over the entire duration of your study. These are designed in such a way that master and exchange students can also obtain the certificate in a relatively short period.

This is how it works:

  1. Collect 30 ECT (mostly equal to 6 subjects, or half a year in credits) in subjects that deal with sustainable subjects. It does not matter whether it concerns Bachelor's or Master's courses.
  2. Be active as an Ambassador for at least half a year, and organize at least two activities or events.
  3. Attend 10 activities that are about sustainability. These can be lectures, but also workshops, film evenings, conferences etc.

You can register for the certificate programme by pressing the button below. If you are already at the end of your study and have already met the criteria for the certificate? No problem! Send us an email, then we will look at it together with you.

Last modified:19 January 2021 4.37 p.m.
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