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About us Profile Facts and figures Sustainability What can you do? Become a Green Office Ambassador


What will you do as an Ambassador?

Faculties often seem like separate little islands within the University. Not everyone is aware of what happens within the faculty, and at the same time a lot of students and staff members don’t know what efforts the UG is taking to become more sustainable. As a Green Office Ambassador you stay up to date of the UG’s efforts and also initiate change. We believe that with the help of Ambassadors, we can inspire many more people at the UG to make more sustainable choices. By initiating change within your own faculty, you contribute to making the university more sustainable.

Examples of what you can do as an Ambassador:

  • Inventory of the sustainable aspirations of students and staff
  • Reduce energy use (i.e. shutting off computers)
  • Promote a healthy study or work environment (take the stairs, taking a walk during the break)
  • Raise awareness about reducing waste (visual communication, use mugs instead of paper cups)
  • Stimulate the integration of sustainability in education
  • Stimulate sustainable purchases faculty (presents, catering)
  • Organize interactive activities with students or staff (movie night/debate)
  • Work out your own ideas!

Last modified:01 October 2020 3.14 p.m.
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