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Life as an Ambassador: Inspiring and Encouraging

Date:20 November 2020
Author:Green Office
Ambassador Laura Pihl
Ambassador Laura Pihl

There have been many inspirational events and fascinating responsibilities leading up to the moment of last year, when I discovered RUG’s Green Office and the possibility to become an Ambassador responsible to advocate and inspire my fellow students and friends to become greener and more sustainable. 

By Laura Pihl

Since I was little I’ve always loved to help out the communities I lived in, by picking up groceries for the elderly, being a part of (World) Cleanup Day, arranging donation-based Christmas dinner and handing out informative flyers. However, and most importantly, being sustainable is not necessarily limited to the green prospect, it also involves keeping the world alive, the population thriving and humans sane. 


Danish people grow up in families full of energy and with the potential to take initiative in the political world. Funnily enough, teenagers might not realise that they are a part of the political spiral, but they have a certain way of being independent, extremely opinionated and increasingly open-minded for a greener, healthier and more maintainable world. This has in many ways influenced the character I am today, along with working for my father’s sustainable company (concerning food waste and loss) where I do marketing and social media. Yet another way to encourage communities to be more aware of the environment and the current world-situation by offering tips and advice!

Take action

Therefore, I am proudly organising UNICEF events for our Burundi-project; I am inspiring both small and big companies through Biotrans Nordic; and, lastly, I am currently tutoring law courses (NEXUS) and have tutored Danish students learning. English. It might sound like a lot of engagement at once, and some of it may sound like a tiny impact on someone’s life, but the message is that there are so many various ways of being green or sustainably active and I support anyone who changes their routine a little to reach a global goal. This is indeed the genuine notion of being an Ambassador: helping and encouraging individuals to do better, take action and speak up if you have something on your mind. 

Think bold and be opinionated

Although, I do believe that we can be inspired by countless components or people, aspiration only truly comes from within in times of despair, either worldwide such as the equality movements, Apartheid, breakdown of colonialism, climate changes and natural disasters, or personal like suffering from mental illnesses (like me), becoming vegetarian (like me), failing classes (like me). That is the main concept of politics – agree to disagree – and the idea of an Ambassador – to think bold and be opinionated. But don’t worry, the others aren’t Danish, they are just as aspired!


Hi, I am Laura, a 20 year old Danish second-year law student, currently residing in Groningen - very exciting. I am one of the Sustainability Ambassadors for our university, and I work with the Law&Arts Embassy, creating cool events such as green pub quiz and (last year) lectures!