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Contributing to a sustainable society is one of the UG’s key values. The communication ambitions and goals are overarching for Planet, Performance and People and are aimed at effective sustainability communication, collaboration between departments and improved online visibility (partly with a view to international rankings). Working together in communication about sustainability will consolidate the message and increase its reach. The communication ambitions that support the Roadmap Sustainability 2021-2026 and the sustainability policy are listed below.

➔ Establish an internal sustainability communication network to improve each other’s communication about sustainability and be informed about developments in departments and faculties.

➔ Improve and update online information.

➔ Plan communication campaigns based on scientific insights (sustainability and behaviour) and evaluate them.

➔ Encourage sustainable behaviour among staff and students and, in doing so, contribute to sustainable ambitions in which behaviour plays a major role (e.g. waste separation and mobility).

➔ Embed the Integrated Sustainability Programme internally within the University by paying more attention to it in communication.

The role of communication in awareness and participation

The main themes for communication about sustainability are awareness and participation. By using the knowledge that is already present within the University (e.g. in the field of behavioural change and sustainability), communication about sustainability generates more impact and awareness and participation can be encouraged. Not only will students and staff learn more about sustainability within the UG (both in operational management and in teaching and research), they will also learn more about the way in which they can contribute to sustainability. This ensures that the sustainability programme will be more firmly embedded in the University and that staff and students will become more involved. Creating awareness and encouraging participation also contribute to the realization of the UG’s sustainable goals in which behaviour plays a major role.


In 2022, work will be done on a Digital Clean-up week, a campaign on sustainable mobility and improving online information. We will also work on new strategic communication themes for the Sustainability Programme.

Last modified:10 February 2022 3.22 p.m.
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