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Corporate logo

Select the colour system you need from the menu on the left.

  • PMS is used for printing in spot colour
  • CMYK is used for full-colour printing
  • RGB is used for on-screen viewing applications (websites, PowerPoint presentations, MS Office files, etc.)

Particular care must be taken with ‘RUG red’ in the various colour systems. In PMS, the house style’s colour is 186C. The CMYK value of this colour is 0c100M80y0k. N.B. The value generated automatically by some software through translation of the PMS value may differ from this value. Always check such a translation! If the generated value is different, use the official value. The RGB definition is R204_G0_B0. See also the colour definitions overview.

Logo for screen / JPG files

JPG: high-resolution bitmap files that can be used in screen-viewing applications and in MS Office files.

Dutch English
*N.B. Horizontal is the preferred version. Only use vertical if horizontal does not suit your purpose.

Logo for print / EPS files

EPS: vector-based format intended for use in printing, lettering and other applications. Most staff members of the University of Groningen do not have access to the software required to open these files.

Dutch English
Red horizontal logo vertical logo horizontal logo vertical logo
Black horizontal logo vertical logo horizontal logo vertical logo
White horizontal logo vertical logo horizontal logo vertical logo
*N.B. Horizontal is the preferred version. Only use vertical if horizontal does not suit your purpose.

Need other files?

Please contact the house style coordinator of the Faculty or service concerned.

Last modified:07 September 2021 09.57 a.m.
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