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Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences and your data

Privacy Statement of Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

The Privacy Statement contains general information about how your details are handled, who is responsible for data processing and which rights you have as a data subject. This information applies to all processing activities performed by Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences. Detailed information about individual processing activities can be found in the processing register.

Privacy statement Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

Records of processing activities Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

Each faculty or service unit must keep a register of all instances when personal data are processed. For each processing activity, this register briefly describes which types of data are processed, why the data are collected, what will be done with the data, and who is responsible for the processing. This will enable you to check whether we are using your data in accordance with the stipulations of the GDPR. 

This register is not yet fully completed and will be updated in the coming period.

Records of processing activities Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences

Last modified:12 May 2023 2.27 p.m.
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