The Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) of the UG is Jan-Willem Oordt. The CPO is responsible for developing and implementing the University privacy policy. This also includes the guidelines and procedures for protecting the personal data of students, staff, test subjects, and other individuals.
The CPO ensures that the faculties and service units act in accordance with this policy and that the measures are applied. He issues advice for drawing up and implementing the work plan and offers subject-specific support to the Privacy & Security Coordinators. The CPO issues advice to the Board of the University about the implementation of the DPO’s annual reports and recommendations.
The CPO issues advice about complex privacy matters, and initiates risk analyses and privacy audits. The CPO organizes awareness programmes and issues advice to the administration and management. The CPO ensures an overview of and focus on the privacy risks that are relevant within the UG. The CPO reports on his activities to the Strategic Committee for Privacy Protection and Information Security, and is employed by the department of ABJZ.