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Policy and corona measures

Corona measures

  1. At the UG, on-site education is possible again.
  2. Employees who do education and research-related work or other location-specific work can work at the UG's locations. Other staff can now spend up to a half of their working hours in the office.
  3. As from 25 February, face masks will no longer be mandatory while moving around the UG buildings. We advise you to keep wearing face masks after 25 February as well and especially if it is impossible to keep the 1.5-metre distance.
  4. The maximum group size of 75 people per individual room does not longer apply. That means that larger lectures, PhD ceremonies, inaugural lectures, and graduation ceremonies can also take place in person. In some faculties, online teaching might still be required. Staff and students will be informed about that.
  5. As from 25 February, all activities and events organized by the UG and/or by study associations will be unconditionally allowed at UG locations, as well as at external locations. The new maximum group size will be 500 people. For events with over 500 participants without assigned seating, a negative test will be mandatory for everyone. See also events
  6. For a business trip to a destination with an Orange travel advice, permission of the Board of the University remains necessary. Business trips to destinations with Yellow/Green travel advice can be handled by the faculty/department in the usual way. The procedure for a business trip to an Orange destination can be found  on My University.
  7. The basic rules still apply: Staying at home if you have symptoms and getting yourself tested, maintaining a distance of 1.5 metres; making sure there is fresh air. More information about the basic rules can be found at
  8. We continue to urge everyone to do a self-test at least twice a week. The self-tests are available free of charge and can be ordered via
  9. Quarantine rules have changed for two specific groups of people who have an infected family member/housemate or have been in close contact with an infected person, but do not have any symptoms themselves. The following people will no longer have to quarantine in these situations:
    - Students below the age of 18
    - Staff members with an essential position within the University, i.e. lecturers and other staff members who are needed to enable teaching.

Infection protocol

The UG protocol for people who are infected with the coronavirus was updated. Here is a short summary.
The following guidelines/measures apply to individual infections:

  • The Municipal Health Service (GGD) contacts the employee or student and possibly carries out a source and contact investigation in the category 'close contacts' or the category 'housemates'. For all 'other contacts', the employee or student concerned receives a set of information from the Municipal Health Service (GGD), with the request to share this among the contacts concerned.
  • We ask employees and students to voluntarily report if they have tested positive for the coronavirus. Employees report this to their direct supervisor and students to the study programme.
  • It is possible that the employee or student who has tested positively is asked to inform all contacts by means of a set of information letters from the Municipal Health Service (GGD).

More information about what to do after a positive test result? Please visit the website of the Government.

The guidelines above also apply to suspected sources of infection, along with the following additional measures:

  • The UG will contact the GGD and/or Safety Region to discuss the measures that need to be taken.
  • The UG Crisis Team (CT) and the Board of the University are authorized to make decisions about the measures proposed by the GGD or the Safety Region.
Last modified:24 March 2023 10.47 a.m.
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