Leadership at the UG
Leadership is needed to realize our strategic principles and our core tasks—research, teaching, and impact. Leadership is not an aim in itself, but a means to work together on excellent results in a safe and stimulating work environment.
Vision on leadership
The UG vision on leadership was shaped through dialogue sessions, in consultation with a large number of colleagues from different faculties and functions, with various ages, backgrounds and areas of expertise. The vision defines what leadership consists of, why it is important, and what we expect. It distinguishes four leadership roles and reflects how we work on leadership and its development.
Download the vision statement
You can read more about it in these documents:
Leadership development
Do you want to get the best out of yourself? Do you want to increase your knowledge and skills? Do you want to develop further in your work? Are you looking for new energy?
Here you will find an overview of training programmes and courses for UG staff.
Leadership according to…
Peter Verhoef - Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business and pro-rector
‘Leadership starts with you leading yourself’ -
Ming Cao - Director of the Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and Artificial Intelligence
Leadership according to Ming Cao -
Flip Klatter and Catriene Thuring - Heads of the Central Animal Facility
Leadership according to Flip Klatter and Catriene Thuring -
Niels Rambags - Head of Support Staff & Student Affairs University College Groningen
Leadership according to Niels Rambags
Rixt Zeelenberg - Director of Education Faculty of Arts
Leadership according to Rixt Zeelenberg
Last modified: | 30 May 2024 08.36 a.m. |