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About us Policy and strategy Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity Week 2024

From:Mo 30-09-2024
Until:Fr 04-10-2024

From 30 September to 4 October, the UG will be holding Diversity Week 2024. Students and staff are invited to attend our many events happening this week. 

The purpose of Diversity Week is to raise awareness about diversity and inclusion at the UG, build student and staff skills related to diversity and inclusion, and celebrate diversity!

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Clockwise from top left: photo 1: UG staff in an experiential accessibility workshop; photo 2: UG staff and students at a Living Library event; photo 3: UG student at a photo exhibit; photo 4: sign for a neurodiversity workshop; photo 5: participants at a seminar by a guest lecturer; photo 6: UG staff of the FSE LGBTQIA+ network at a stand

Please find more information on the Diversity Week programme and sign up today. Spaces are limited.

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