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About us Policy and strategy Diversity and Inclusion Diversity and Inclusion at the UG

Initiatives and projects

Several initiatives and projects have been developed to promote diversity and inclusion at the UG.

Advisory Committee for Students with a Performance Disability

The Advisory Committee for Students with a Performance Disability (ACF: Adviescommissie voor Functiebeperkte Studenten), a subcommittee of the University Committee for Education (UCO: Universitaire Commissie voor het Onderwijs), monitors and issues advice to the Board of the University about policy for students with functional impairments.

Aletta Jacobs chairs

In 2020, the UG created 15 chairs for female professors: the Aletta Jacobs chairs

Centre for Gender Studies

The Centre for Gender Studies (CGS) at the Faculty of Arts promotes research and education on gender in relation to other categories of difference such as sexuality, class, race, religion, culture, ability, and age. The CGS aims to be a hub connecting gender specialists within the UG as well as institutions and groups outside the University.

Graduation Fund

The Graduation Fund offers financial support to students who incur study delay due to extraordinary circumstances such as illness, family circumstances, functional impairments or pregnancy, committee or consultative body membership or playing elite sports.

Grassroots Initiative Grants

The Diversity & Inclusion Office offers small grants for student initiatives that advance diversity, equity and inclusion at the UG in an innovative way. Grassroots initiatives are initiatives that are initiated from the community itself. They are bottom-up initiatives, instead of top-down initiatives.

Participation Act

The UG offers jobs to people with poor job prospects who fall under the Participation Act. This concerns people with a physical or mental functional impairment who are unable to earn 100% of the legal minimum wage independently. These staff members are assigned a job coach to support them at work. In addition, they are eligible for resources to help them perform their job more easily.

Pre-University Academy

The Pre-University Academy is developing a continuous learning pathway in research skills to familiarize primary and secondary school pupils with the academic world, and thereby to contribute to scientific literacy and the development of aspirations. Examples include the following projects:

  • Junior MOOC in Sustainability
    An online lesson series in which primary school pupils and their teachers follow three UG academics.
  • Teaching pack: ‘De Scarabee en de geheimzinnige ziekte’ (The Scarab and the mysterious disease)
    'De Scarabee en de geheimzinnige ziekte' is an exciting comic book and teaching programme for primary school pupils in years 7 and 8 (age 10-12).
  • Expeditie Onderzoek (Expedition Research)
    Curriculum for lower secundary education about research skills.
  • Wetenschapsdate (Dates with academics)
    Guest lectures by UG academics at primary and secondary schools throughout the Northern Netherlands.

Recruitment Guide

The Recruitment Guide describes how to increase transparency in the recruitment process, how to reduce unconscious bias and to increase the diversity of candidates and hence our employees.

Rosalind Franklin Fellowship

The Rosalind Franklin Fellowship programme promotes the advancement of talented international researchers. Its unique feature is that it gives excellent female scientists the opportunity to shape their own scientific ambitions. It offers a tenure-track position leading to a full professorship.

Teaching Academy Groningen (TAG)

The TAG is a platform to share good practices and develop knowledge in order to enhance innovative education. The TAG community of expertise inclusion and diversity wants to increase our understanding of how hybrid learning and inclusion affect each other, by making explicit that students have different backgrounds and various needs.
On the TAG platform on nestor teachers can participate in discussions and materials will be shared.

Last modified:11 June 2024 10.37 a.m.
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