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About us Policy and strategy Diversity and Inclusion Diversity and Inclusion at the UG

Diversity and Inclusion at the UG

The UG aims to be a university where students and staff members feel respected and at home, regardless of any visible and invisible differences in background, experiences, perspectives, characteristics and identity. Together, we create a stimulating study and work environment that respects diversity in the broadest sense of the word, and where students and staff members feel connected with the UG community. We aim to achieve a change of culture towards more inclusion by raising awareness of the added value of diversity.


Our broad definition of ‘diversity’ not only cover characteristics that are usually visible (such as skin colour and physical appearance) but also less visible and invisible characteristics (such as cultural background and nationality, functional diversity and health condition, sex assigned at birth, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, opinions, religious beliefs, neurodiversity, style of working, prior degrees, age and experience, care duties and language). Particular attention is paid to intersectionality as all these characteristics may be interrelated in complex ways.


We define ‘inclusion’ as a safe study and work environment in which each staff member or student feels at home and is able to develop thanks to equal treatment, and in which a wide range of perspectives is offered and taken into account.

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