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New blog on Data Autonomy: The Google Rubicon

26 mei 2023
Oksana Kavatsyuk
Oksana Kavatsyuk

When you work or study at the University of Groningen, there is no way you can avoid using Google. Students that do not want to use Google cannot study here.

But do we actually know where our data is stored and what happens with it? Are we able to stop using Google if we wish as a university? Or is it already too late and have we passed a point of no return? Can universities be really independent if currently, there is an increasing dependence on a limited number of dominant market players?

Oksana Kavatsyuk works as an Assistant professor at the University College Groningen and explains in her blog when she believes data autonomy has been achieved.

Roadmap to Data Autonomy

The CIT has started the discussion to investigate the possibilities of how the University of Groningen can gain more autonomy over its data in the future. Together with various representatives from across the University, we are working on a roadmap to promote data autonomy and a strategy that will enable the UG to respect, protect and promote academic freedom in the digital age.

Laatst gewijzigd:04 oktober 2024 12:17
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