Dr T.B. Long, Campus Fryslân

Tom Long is an assistant professor of Sustainable Entrepreneurship at the Campus Fryslân faculty. Before this, he worked at Wageningen University & Research, Regent’s University London and the University of Leeds. Away from the office, he likes to run and swim to keep fit and relax, read spy thrillers and indulge his two cats.
Tom Long departs from the mainstream and designs new ways of teaching. Unlike lecturers who sit in the comfort of their office, he takes a radical new approach to research and also to teaching. He is very much involved with regional stakeholders, but is also open to scientific stakeholders, in order to find solutions to real-world regional challenges. He fosters his students’ curiosity and encourages them to design solutions, for which he also makes use of his consultancy experience. His students are enthusiastic and involved in the degree programme. Long is open to his students’ suggestions and uses their feedback to redesign future course units. One student wrote: ‘I liked everything. We were challenged to think and link things, all in the end summarized by him. We were encouraged to analyze, discuss, question and learn how to apply the case study method.’
Last modified: | 21 April 2022 11.42 a.m. |