Onderwijsfestival 2022
Making connections for quality education
Van 4 t/m 8 april organiseerde de Teaching Academy Groningen het Onderwijsfestival 2022. Het gevarieerde programma omvatte livesessies, workshops op locatie en de Best Practice Award, waarbij een breed scala aan lesmethodes werd getoond. Onze docenten deelden hun expertise en bespraken ideeën en benaderingen van lesgeven en leren. Op deze pagina vind je sessie-opnames en powerpoint materiaal van elke festivaldag.
Best Practice Award 2022
Ontmoet de winnaars van de Best Practice Award 2022, lees meer over hun vernieuwende lesmethodes of bekijk hun inspirerende video's! Lees meer
Sessie opnames en materialen
Maandag 4 april
Powerpoints van on-site sessies
The role of language in the inclusive classroom
Opnames van online sessies
Activating students by using continuous assessment based on randomized exercises
Using video to humanize (online) education
Leveraging testing to fuel students' and teachers' learning loops
How to Activate Student Learning with Project-Based Courses
Dinsdag 5 april
Powerpoints van on-site sessies
A Keynote on the Theoretical Framework of Active Learning Classrooms
ALC: Teacher Experiences with Active Learning Classrooms
Effective use of Active Learning Classrooms
Opnames van online sessies
Questionology as a learning strategy: the power of inquiry to spark breakthrough ideas
Perspectives and Results from Problem-Based Learning at the FSE
Curious about the new learning environment? Ask all your burning questions here!
Fostering and stimulating student wellbeing in higher education
Examining the Implications of a Predictive Processing Account of Critical Thinking for Teaching
Queer in STEM: The experiences of LGBTQIA+ individuals in STEM learning and working environments
Growing as a Teaching Assistant
Writing a successful ICT Innovation Fund proposal
Woensdag 6 april
Powerpoints van on-site sessies
Geen content
Opnames van online sessies
The Intentional Centering of Wellness & Belonging in DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion)
Experiments with bringing mindfulness and contemplation into academic teaching
Working with Brightspace - Q&A with lecturers
Tool for Measuring Students' Attitudes towards Learning Science
5 ways to use active learning strategies without extra prep! Carole Fuller, Lecturer of English for Academic Purposes, Faculty of Arts
A journey from closed to open: Using open educational resources for quality teaching and education
Connecting language learners and teacher trainees through intercultural virtual exchange
Donderdag 7 april
Powerpoints van on-site sessies
Workshop: Your first steps into Brightspace
Evidence-informed practice in university education: where to start?
Virtual Exchange: blended learning with an international perspective
Opnames van online sessies
Kick-off talks assessment
Large classrooms: Innovations for enhancing learning outcomes more efficiently
Comenius Grants: Put your ideas for educational innovation into practice
Setting up an interdisciplinary course: connecting disciplines and inspiring students
A new curriculum Dentistry, blended and activated (NL)
Meme-ing meaning
The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on social networks and academic performance of undergraduate medical students
Developing an applicable product from a bachelor research project
Vrijdag 8 april
Making Connections between secondary and higher education
Closing ceremony & Best Practice Award
Laatst gewijzigd: | 07 december 2022 11:45 |
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