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Open access Act (Wet open overheid)

The open access Act (Woo) regulates the right of access to public information. The Woo ensures openness and transparency of the government, including universities. When the Board of the University make information publicly available under the Woo, the information concerned is available for anyone to view.

Starting in 2022, the UG will publish all Woo-decisions and the information made public pursuant to the requests made under the open access Act.

Contact information

University of Groningen
Department ABJZ
P.O. Box 72
9700 AB Groningen
The Netherlands

Do you have questions about the availability of public information at the UG under the Woo? If so, you can put your question to the ‘Woo contact person’ at informatiebeheer

For general questions, please refer to the UG's general contact details.


Recent Woo-decisions (2023)

  1. Eerste deelbesluit Andringa [PDF]

Recent Woo-decisions (2022)

  1. Toekomstbestendigheid Wet BIG I [PDF]
  2. Contante betaling collegegeld [PDF]
  3. Toekomstbestendigheid Wet BIG II [PDF]
  4. Foto- en videomateriaal onderzoek [PDF]
  5. Inzinkpaal Broerstraat [PDF]
  6. Israëlische organisaties [PDF]
  7. Financiering vakgroep belastingrecht [PDF]
  8. Russkiy Mir [PDF]
  9. Vindicat [PDF]

Submitting a Woo-request

Make a Woo-request

If you wish to receive documents about public information that is not yet publicly available, you can submit a Woo-request. You can submit a Woo-request in the following two ways:

  • By e-mail via abjz
  • By post to:

University of Groningen
Department ABJZ
P.O. Box 72
9700 AB Groningen
The Netherlands

If you have any further questions about submitting a Woo-request, please contact the department of General Administrative and Legal Affairs (ABJZ) at abjz or at 050-363 5440. 

Last modified:10 February 2025 1.56 p.m.
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