Research Strategy Committee
The Research and Impact Council consists of the research and impact portfolio holders of the faculties and the director of the Research & Impact cluster, supplemented by the director of the University Library and the director of the Centre for Innovation and Technology (CIT). The chairman of Council is one of the portfolio holders. Currently, this position is held by prof. dr. A. Visser. The vice-chair is prof. dr. J. Woltjer.
The Research and Impact Council is a consultative body created to enhance and support the advice of the College of Deans. In addition, the Council is intended to exchange and explore thoughts and ideas at an early stage. The main focus is on shaping strategy and policy in the areas of research and impact in faculties and institution.
dr. M. (Martijn) Verwegen, director Cluster R&I
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drs. M. (Marjolein) Nieboer, director University Library
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ir. N.D. (Nolda) Griffioen, director CIT
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prof. dr. A. (Thony) Visser (Chair), dean FdL
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prof. dr. B.W. (Robert) Lensink, vice-dean FEB
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prof. dr. C.J. (Casper) Albers, dean GMW
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prof. dr. H.W.G.M. (Erik) Boddeke, vice-dean UMCG
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prof. dr. ir. J.M.A. (Jacquelien) Scherpen, rector magnificus RUG
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prof. dr. J. (Johan) Woltjer (Vice-chair), dean FRW
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prof. dr. J. (Joke) Fleer, dean UCG
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prof. dr. J.W.M. (Joost) Frenken, dean FSE
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prof. dr. M. (Mladen) Popovic, dean RCS
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prof. dr. mr. T.H.F. (Tjalling) Halbertsma, dean Campus Fryslân
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prof. dr. R.A. (Ramses) Wessel, vice-dean Faculty of Law
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prof. H.A.G. (Helga) de Valk, director NIDI
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prof. L.M. (Lisa) Herzog, dean Faculty of Philosophy
S. (Stefania) Costache, Dr, Coordinating policy officer Research and Impact
Last modified: | 03 February 2025 4.15 p.m. |