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Announcements and latest news

The Central Electoral Committee informs students and employees of the university about the university elections through a number of official announcements.

Publication Electoral register | Announcement no. 1

Establishment of electoral registers – check your voting rights

Establishment of electoral registers – check your voting rights

Concerning the elections of May 2024, the Central Electorate Committee hereby announces the following:

1.         2 February 2024: All electoral registers will be established for the elections of the University Council and the Faculty Councils of the University of Groningen

2.         5 February 2024: all students will receive an email to view their details in the relevant electoral registers

3.         5 February 2024 until 82024: You can submit an error correction request if you were wrongly or incorrectly included, or if you were wrongly not included in the electoral register

4.         No later than 9 February 2024: The Central Electoral Committee will reach a decision concerning any error correction request as referred to under 3

5.         10 FebruaryJanuary 2024 until 23 March 2024: You can appeal against the Central Electoral Committee’s decision as referred to under 4. Please submit your letter of appeal via csb

By virtue of the Higher Education and Research Act and the University of Groningen Electoral Regulations, all students of the University of Groningen have both active and passive voting rights. This means that any student is entitled to vote (active voting rights) or stand for election (passive voting rights) for the University consultative bodies on condition that they are included in the electoral register of the Council where they are enrolled as a student.

For more information about the consultative bodies and the UG elections, see Here you will also find more information on standing as a candidate.

Candidacy | Announcement no. 2

Candidacy – stand for election!

Before the elections in May 2024, the Central Voting Office would like to announce that

1. 11 to 20 March 2024 students can choose to stand for election via the digital candidacy of the University Council and the faculty councils of the University of Groningen.

2. 21 March 2024, the Central Electoral Committee will hold a meeting to investigate the submitted candidate lists and decide if there are any omissions. The Central Electoral Committee will inform the submitter of the candidate list about any detected omissions. From 22 to 26 March 2024, the submitter will have the opportunity to resolve the omissions.

3. 27 March 2024 the Central Electoral Committee will determine the validity of the submitted candidate lists as well as any statements establishing electoral pacts between multiple parties within a section. From 28 March to 9 May 2024, a notice of objection can be submitted to the Board of the University via

4. 27 March 2024, the confirmed candidate lists will be published on the UG website via announcement 3.

By virtue of the Higher Education and Research Act and the University of Groningen Electoral Regulations, all students of the University of Groningen have both active and passive voting rights. This means that any student is entitled to vote (active voting rights) or stand for election (passive voting rights) for the University’s consultative participation bodies on condition that they are included in the electoral register of the Council where they are enrolled as a student.

For more information about the consultative participation bodies and the UG elections, visit the links below.

Candidacy list | Announcement no. 3

Candidate lists adopted

For the elections in May, 2024, the Central Electoral Committee announces:

that the candidate lists of the participating parties for the University Council and Faculty Councils, student members, elections have been adopted.

Under the blue button ‘candidacy list’, you will find the participating parties with the candidates listed in the order in which they were nominated on the list of candidates.

The University election will be held from 13 to 17 May 2024.

Electoral periods | Announcement no.4

Election period

For the elections in May, 2024, the Central Electoral Committee announces that on:

1. Monday 13 May all persons with voting rights receive a digital invitation to vote;

2. Monday 13 May, 7 a.m. to Friday 17 May, 5.00 p.m. votes may be cast using the voting application made available for this purpose;

3. Tuesday 21 May the results of the elections for the student members of the Faculty Councils and the University Council will be announced. The announcement of the election results will take place at the Rolling Building from 5.30 p.m.

Any voter who erroneously did not receive a digital invitation to vote can report this to the Central Electoral Committee (via You did not receive an invitation if you were not enrolled as a student on 2 February 2024.

You can cast a vote for the Faculty Council where you are enrolled as a student. You also vote for the University Council.

Elected candidates | Announcement no. 5

The Central Electoral Committee of the University of Groningen announces:

  1. that in the overview below, you can find the names of the student sections who have been elected for the University Council and the Faculty Councils;
  2. that any member of the University community who is eligible to vote has the right to lodge an objection to the election results with the Board of the University, PO Box 72, 9700 AB Groningen until 3 July 2024;
  3. that a record of the election results is available on

Last modified:22 May 2024 10.13 a.m.
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