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Code of Conduct for student associations and organizations

The Boards of the University of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applies Sciences Groningen are committed to an active but responsible student life. Individual students are thus able to advance safely alongside their studies.

In order to guarantee a respectful attitude, the Boards have drawn up a Code of Conduct for the student associations and organizations. This Code contains common starting points for student life and the way that members, including prospective members, are treated. The Code must be signed by a board member of the organization and by the responsible members of the Board of the University.

The deadline for submitting the Code of Conduct for the academic year 2023-2024 is January 1, 2024.

The Groningen student associations and organizations who have signed the Code of Conduct for the academic year 2023-2024 (March 2024) are listed below:

General student associations

  • C.S.F.R Yi’rat Adonay
  • Dizkartes
  • GSV
  • Ichthus
  • N.S.G. Navigators
  • Unitas
  • Vindicat
  • Cleopatra
  • SIB
  • F.F.J. Bernlef
  • AEGEE Groningen
  • AIESEC Groningen
  • Enactus
  • G.S.M.G. Bragi
  • Ganymedes
  • Groninger Studenten Cabaret Festival
  • Groninger Studenten Toneel
  • Groninger Studentenbond
  • Integrand Groningen
  • Literaire Studentenvereniging Flanor
  • SKLO
  • Stukafest
  • Navigators
  • Albertus Magnus


  • Aegir
  • G.S.V.V. Veracles
  • GSZ Mayday
  • Gyas
  • Groninger Studenten AlpenClub
  • G.S.P.V. De NoordPole
  • G.S.B.V. Tweeslag
  • GSHC Forward
  • G.S.B.V. De Groene Uilen- Moestasj
  • G.S.V.V. The Knickerbockers
  • G.S.B.V. de Mattekloppers
  • Tandje Hoger
  • Tjas
  • GSBC Amor

University of Groningen study associations

  • ASCI
  • Atmos
  • Chemische Binding
  • EBF
  • EPU
  • Ibn Battuta
  • JFV
  • TBV Lugus
  • NUTS
  • Odiom
  • Pharmaciae Sacrum
  • Sirius A
  • Studiosi Mobiliae
  • Ubbo Emmius
  • Vesting
  • VIP
  • ZaZa
  • MESA
  • FSG
  • Gerardus van der Leeuw
  • IK
  • IFMSA Groningen
  • Honours College Social Association
  • NCF
  • Real Estate Club Groningen
  • ELSA

Hanze University study associations

  • Ad Legem
  • Business Match
  • Cura
  • Equilibrium
  • Exploratio
  • FSV Fysiek
  • Gente
  • Hanze Honours Society
  • HMV Actis
  • Homerus
  • KIC
  • Linkit
  • Le Baso
  • Maslow
  • RealTime
  • Scopus
  • SV Hestia
  • Technisch Appél (TAPP)
  • Versorium
  • Villa '96
  • Z.O.E.M.

University of Groningen / Hanze University study associations

  • HARD
  • T.M.F.V. Archigenes
Last modified:29 May 2024 4.33 p.m.
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