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Loi, prof. dr. Maria Antonietta

Maria Antonietta Loi
Maria Antonietta Loi

Prof.dr. Maria Antonietta Loi promoveerde in 2001 aan de Universiteit van Cagliari en was daarna werkzaam aan de Johannes Kepler Universiteit van Linz en bij de Italiaanse National Research Council. Ze is sinds 2006 aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen verbonden als Rosalind Franklin Fellow. Sinds 2011 is ze hoofd van de onderzoeksgroep Photophysics & Optoelectronics. Met de onderzoeksgroep wil Loi de basis leggen voor een heel nieuwe generatie zonnecellen. Goedkoop te produceren en met een hoge energieopbrengst. Daarbij richt ze zich vooral op het fundamentele onderzoek. Ze kijkt naar de eigenschappen van nieuwe soorten halfgeleiders en hoe die materialen toe te passen zijn voor energieopwekking, direct, in de vorm van elektriciteit, maar ook in de vorm van chemische energie, namelijk watersplitsing. Loi werkt ook aan een nieuw type beeldsensor voor smartphones.

Loi ontving de FOM Minerva prijs-2011 (beste wetenschappelijke publicatie van een vrouwelijke onderzoeker over een natuurkundig onderwerp) en kreeg in 2012 een prestigieuze Starting Grant toegekend van de European Research Council. In 2018 ontving Loi de Physica Prijs, voor haar innovatieve onderzoek aan hybride nanomaterialen. Loi ontving in 2022 een grote ERC Advanced Grant, toegekend door de Europese Onderzoeksraad.

In 2022 werd Loi door de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) benoemd tot lid. Leden van de KNAW zijn vooraanstaande wetenschappers uit alle disciplines die worden gekozen op grond van hun wetenschappelijke prestaties.

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Garcia Romero, D., Bontekoe, G., Pinna, J., Di Mario, L., Ibarra-Barreno, C. M., Kardula, J., Ersek, G., Portale, G., Rudolf, P., & Loi, M. A. (2025). 80% Fill Factor in Organic Solar Cells with a Modified Nickel Oxide Interlayer. Advanced Energy Materials. Advance online publication.
Garcia Romero, D., Di Mario, L., & Loi, M. A. (2025). Tin Oxide: The Next Benchmark Transport Material for Organic Solar Cells? ACS Energy Letters, 1330-1337. Advance online publication.


Chen, J., Li, J., Pau, R., Chen, L., Kot, M., Wang, H., Mario, L. D., Portale, G., & Loi, M. A. (2024). 1.4% External Quantum Efficiency 988 nm Light Emitting Diode Based on Tin-Lead Halide Perovskite. Advanced materials. Advance online publication.
Gahlot, K., di Mario, L., Bosma, R., Loi, M. A., & Protesescu, L. (2024). Air-Stable Thin Films of Tin Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals by Polymers and Al2O3 Encapsulation. Chemistry of Materials, 36(22), 11227-11235.
Zanetta, A., Larini, V., Vikram, Toniolo, F., Vishal, B., Elmestekawy, K. A., Du, J., Scardina, A., Faini, F., Pica, G., Pirota, V., Pitaro, M., Marras, S., Ding, C., Yildirim, B. K., Babics, M., Ugur, E., Aydin, E., Ma, C. Q., ... Grancini, G. (2024). Author Correction: Vertically oriented low-dimensional perovskites for high-efficiency wide band gap perovskite solar cells. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 10379.
Chen, J., Li, J., Nedelcu, G., Hansch, P., Di Mario, L., Protesescu, L., & Loi, M. A. (2024). Blade-coated perovskite nanoplatelet polymer composites for sky-blue light-emitting diodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 12(35), 13847-13853.
van de Ven, L. J. M., Tekelenburg, E. K., Pitaro, M., Pinna, J., & Loi, M. A. (2024). Cation Influence on Hot-Carrier Relaxation in Tin Triiodide Perovskite Thin Films. ACS Energy Letters, 9(3), 992-999.
Tavormina, F., Quadrivi, E., Biagini, P., Po, R., Marrazzo, R., Loi, M. A., Barba, L., Masciocchi, N., & Guagliardi, A. (2024). Crystal Orientation, Strain, and Microstrain of Perovskite Films in a Complex Compositional Parameter Space. Chemistry of Materials, 36(18), 8880–8893.
Herzig, E. M., Gao, F., Bergqvist, J., Loi, M. A., & Meier, S. B. (2024). Harmonizing organic photovoltaics research and development among academia and industry. Joule, 8(8), 2171-2178.
Yang, X., Ye, G., Tran, K., Liu, Y., Cao, J., Dong, J., Portale, G., Liu, J., Zhang, P., Loi, M. A., Chiechi, R. C., & Koster, L. J. A. (2024). Impact of Oligo(Ethylene Glycol) Side Chains on the Thermoelectric Properties of Naphthalenediimide-Dialkoxybithiazole Polymers. ACS Materials Letters, 6, 1207-1215.
Tekelenburg, E. K., Camargo, F. V. A., Filippetti, A., Mattoni, A., van de Ven, L. J. M., Pitaro, M., Cerullo, G., & Loi, M. A. (2024). Mechanism of Hot-Carrier Photoluminescence in Sn-Based Perovskites. Advanced materials. Advance online publication.
Hai, Y., Gahlot, K., Tanchev, M., Mutalik, S., Tekelenburg, E. K., Hong, J., Ahmadi, M., Piveteau, L., Loi, M. A., & Protesescu, L. (2024). Metal-Solvent Complex Formation at the Surface of InP Colloidal Quantum Dots. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(18), 12808–12818.
Pinna, J., Pili, E., Mehrabi Koushki, R., Gavhane, D. S., Carlà, F., Kooi, B. J., Portale, G., & Loi, M. A. (2024). PbI2 Passivation of Three Dimensional PbS Quantum Dot Superlattices Toward Optoelectronic Metamaterials. Acs Nano, 18(29), 19124–19136.
Wang, H., Pinna, J., Romero, D. G., Di Mario, L., Koushki, R. M., Kot, M., Portale, G., & Loi, M. A. (2024). PbS Quantum Dots Ink with Months-Long Shelf-Lifetime Enabling Scalable and Efficient Short-Wavelength Infrared Photodetectors. Advanced materials, 36(19), Article 2311526.
Thompson, J. J. P., Dyksik, M., Peksa, P., Posmyk, K., Joki, A., Perea-Causin, R., Erhart, P., Baranowski, M., Loi, M. A., Plochocka, P., & Malic, E. (2024). Phonon-Bottleneck Enhanced Exciton Emission in 2D Perovskites. Advanced Energy Materials, 14(20), Article 2304343.
Jin, W., Yang, C. Y., Pau, R., Wang, Q., Tekelenburg, E. K., Wu, H. Y., Wu, Z., Jeong, S. Y., Pitzalis, F., Liu, T., He, Q., Li, Q., Huang, J. D., Kroon, R., Heeney, M., Woo, H. Y., Mura, A., Motta, A., Facchetti, A., ... Fabiano, S. (2024). Photocatalytic doping of organic semiconductors. Nature, 630, 96-101.
Wang, H., & Loi, M. A. (2024). Quantum Dots Solar Cells. In W. van Sark, B. Hoex, A. Reinders, P. Verlinden, & N. J. Daukes (Eds.), Photovoltaic Solar Energy: From Fundamentals to Applications, Volume 2 (pp. 217-254). Wiley.
Dyksik, M., Baranowski, M., Thompson, J. J. P., Yang, Z., Medina, M. R., Loi, M. A., Malic, E., & Plochocka, P. (2024). Steric Engineering of Exciton Fine Structure in 2D Perovskites. Advanced Energy Materials, Article 2404769 . Advance online publication.
Xie, Z., Zhang, D., Cheng, L., Li, C., Elia, J., Wu, J., Tian, J., Chen, L., Loi, M. A., Osvet, A., & Brabec, C. J. (2024). Unraveling Dual Operational Mechanisms in an Air-Stable All Inorganic Perovskite for Nonvolatile Memory and Neuromorphic Computing. ACS Energy Letters, 9(3), 948-958.
Zanetta, A., Larini, V., Vikram, Toniolo, F., Vishal, B., Elmestekawy, K. A., Du, J., Scardina, A., Faini, F., Pica, G., Pirota, V., Pitaro, M., Marras, S., Ding, C., Yildirim, B. K., Babics, M., Ugur, E., Aydin, E., Ma, C. Q., ... Grancini, G. (2024). Vertically oriented low-dimensional perovskites for high-efficiency wide band gap perovskite solar cells. Nature Communications, 15(1), Article 9069.
Garcia-Orrit, S., Vega-Mayoral, V., Chen, Q., Serra, G., Guizzardi, M., Romano, V., Dal Conte, S., Cerullo, G., Di Mario, L., Kot, M., Loi, M. A., Narita, A., Müllen, K., Tommasini, M., & Cabanillas-González, J. (2024). Visualizing Thermally Activated Conical Intersections Governing Non-Radiative Triplet Decay in a Ni(II) Porphyrin-Nanographene Conjugate with Variable Temperature Transient Absorption Spectroscopy. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 15(41), 10366-10374.


Almora, O., Cabrera, C. I., Erten-Ela, S., Forberich, K., Fukuda, K., Guo, F., Hauch, J., Ho-Baillie, A. W. Y., Jacobsson, T. J., Janssen, R. A. J., Kirchartz, T., Loi, M. A., Mathew, X., Mitzi, D. B., Nazeeruddin, M. K., Paetzold, U. W., Rand, B. P., Rau, U., Someya, T., ... Brabec, C. J. (2024). Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 4). Advanced Energy Materials, 14(4), Article 2303173.
Di Mario, L., Garcia Romero, D., Wang, H., Tekelenburg, E. K., Meems, S., Zaharia, T., Portale, G., & Loi, M. A. (2024). Outstanding Fill Factor in Inverted Organic Solar Cells with SnO2 by Atomic Layer Deposition. Advanced materials, 36(20), 2301404.
Dyksik, M., Beret, D., Baranowski, M., Duim, H., Moyano, S., Posmyk, K., Mlayah, A., Adjokatse, S., Maude, D. K., Loi, M. A., Puech, P., & Plochocka, P. (2024). Polaron Vibronic Progression Shapes the Optical Response of 2D Perovskites. Advanced science, 11(7), Article 2305182.
Chen, L., Xi, J., Tekelenburg, E. K., Tran, K., Portale, G., Brabec, C. J., & Loi, M. A. (2024). Quasi-2D Lead–Tin Perovskite Memory Devices Fabricated by Blade Coating. Small methods, 8(2), Article 2300040.
Pitaro, M., Alonso, J. E. S., Di Mario, L., Romero, D. G., Tran, K., Kardula, J., Zaharia, T., Johansson, M. B., Johansson, E. M. J., Chiechi, R. C., & Loi, M. A. (2024). Tuning the Surface Energy of Hole Transport Layers Based on Carbazole Self-Assembled Monolayers for Highly Efficient Sn/Pb Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Functional Materials, 34(50), Article 2306571.
Garcia Romero, D., Di Mario, L., Yan, F., Ibarra-Barreno, C. M., Mutalik, S., Protesescu, L., Rudolf, P., & Loi, M. A. (2024). Understanding the Surface Chemistry of SnO2 Nanoparticles for High Performance and Stable Organic Solar Cells. Advanced Functional Materials, 34(6), Article 2307958.
Pitaro, M., Alonso, J. S., Di Mario, L., Garcia Romero, D., Tran, K., Zaharia, T., Johansson, M. B., Johansson, E. M. J., & Loi, M. A. (2023). A carbazole-based self-assembled monolayer as the hole transport layer for efficient and stable Cs0.25FA0.75Sn0.5Pb0.5I3 solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11(22), 11755-11766.
Duim, H., Rommens, A. J., Shao, S., Portale, G., & Loi, M. A. (2023). Addition of Ammonium Thiocyanate Alters the Microstructure and Energetic Landscape of 2D/3D Perovskite Films. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 6(20), 10285–10293.
Almora, O., Baran, D., Bazan, G. C., Cabrera, C. I., Erten-Ela, S., Forberich, K., Guo, F., Hauch, J., Ho-Baillie, A. W. Y., Jacobsson, T. J., Janssen, R. A. J., Kirchartz, T., Kopidakis, N., Loi, M. A., Lunt, R. R., Mathew, X., McGehee, M. D., Min, J., Mitzi, D. B., ... Brabec, C. J. (2023). Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 3). Advanced Energy Materials, 13(1), Article 2203313.
Fang, H. H., Duim, H., & Loi, M. A. (2023). Disentangling Dual Emission Dynamics in Lead Bromide Perovskite. Advanced optical materials, 11(9), Article 2202866.
Yan, F., Zhou, Y., Loi, M. A., & Saliba, M. (2023). Editorial for the Special Issue: Emerging Energy and Materials Sciences in Halide Perovskites. Advanced Energy Materials, 13(33), Article 2302239.
Di Mario, L., Garcia Romero, D., Pieters, M. J., Eller, F., Zhu, C., Bongiovanni, G., Herzig, E. M., Mura, A., & Loi, M. A. (2023). Effects of the diphenyl ether additive in halogen-free processed non-fullerene acceptor organic solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11(5), 2419-2430.
Giousis, T., Fang, S., Miola, M., Li, S., Lazanas, A., Prodromidis, M., Tekelenburg, E. K., Moschovas, D., Loi, M. A., Rudolf, P., Gournis, D., & Pescarmona, P. P. (2023). Germanane and butyl-functionalized germanane as visible-light photocatalysts for the degradation of water pollutants. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11(3), Article 109784.
Tekelenburg, E. K., Aledlbi, N., Chen, L., Blake, G. R., & Loi, M. A. (2023). Impact of two diammonium cations on the structure and photophysics of layered Sn-based perovskites. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11(24), 8154-8160.
Chen, L., Tekelenburg, E. K., Gahlot, K., Pitaro, M., Xi, J., Lasorsa, A., Feraco, G., Protesescu, L., van der Wel, P. C. A., Portale, G., Rudolf, P., Brabec, C. J., & Loi, M. A. (2023). In situ SnSe deposition as passivation for scalable and stable quasi-2D lead-tin perovskite solar cells. Energy and Environmental Science, 16(11), 5315–5324.
Polavarapu, L., Loi, M. A., Zeng, H., & Luther, J. M. (2023). Introduction to halide perovskite optoelectronics. Nanoscale, 15(37), 15075-15078.
Balandin, A. A., Iwamoto, S., Loi, M. A., Stein, J., & Cohen, L. F. (2023). Last 60th salute to the journal. Applied Physics Letters, 122(2), Article 020401.
Tran, K., Wang, H., Pieters, M., & Loi, M. A. (2023). Lead Sulfide Quantum Dots for Synaptic Transistors: Modulating the Learning Timescale with Ligands. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 5(11), Article 2300218.
Hänsch, P., & Loi, M. A. (2023). Metal halide perovskites: A rising platform for gas sensing? Applied Physics Letters, 123(3), Article 030501.
Marx, A. C., Jafari, H., Tekelenburg, E., Loi, M. A., Slawinska, J., & Guimaraes, M. H. D. (2023). Nonlinear magnetotransport in MoTe2. arXiv.
Xi, J., Jiang, J., Duim, H., Chen, L., You, J., Portale, G., Liu, S., Tao, S., & Loi, M. A. (2023). On the Mechanism of Solvents Catalyzed Structural Transformation in Metal Halide Perovskites. Advanced materials, 35(33), Article 2302896.
Perinot, A., Scuratti, F., Scaccabarozzi, A. D., Tran, K., Salazar-Rios, J. M., Loi, M. A., Salvatore, G., Fabiano, S., & Caironi, M. (2023). Solution-Processed Polymer Dielectric Interlayer for Low-Voltage, Unipolar n-Type Organic Field-Effect Transistors. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15(48), 56095-56105.
Rivera Medina, M. J., Di Mario, L., Kahmann, S., Xi, J., Portale, G., Bongiovanni, G., Mura, A., Alonso Huitrón, J. C., & Loi, M. A. (2023). Tuning the energy transfer in Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites phases through isopropylammonium addition - towards efficient blue emitters. Nanoscale, 15(14), 6673-6685.


Pinna, J., Mehrabi Koushki, R., Gavhane, D. S., Ahmadi, M., Mutalik, S., Zohaib, M., Protesescu, L., Kooi, B. J., Portale, G., & Loi, M. A. (2023). Approaching Bulk Mobility in PbSe Colloidal Quantum Dots 3D Superlattices. Advanced materials, 35(8), Article 2207364.
Fang, H. H., Tekelenburg, E. K., Xue, H., Kahmann, S., Chen, L., Adjokatse, S., Brocks, G., Tao, S., & Loi, M. A. (2023). Unraveling the Broadband Emission in Mixed Tin-Lead Layered Perovskites. Advanced optical materials, 11(4), Article 2202038.
Kahmann, S., Chen, Z., Hordiichuk, O., Nazarenko, O., Shao, S., Kovalenko, M. V., Blake, G. R., Tao, S., & Loi, M. A. (2022). Compositional Variation in FAPb1- xSnxI3and Its Impact on the Electronic Structure: A Combined Density Functional Theory and Experimental Study. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14(30), 34253-34261.
Ito, B. I., Tekelenburg, E. K., Blake, G. R., Loi, M. A., & Nogueira, A. F. (2022). Correction to “Double Perovskite Single-Crystal Photoluminescence Quenching and Resurge: The Role of Cu Doping on Its Photophysics and Crystal Structure”. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 13(2), 440-441.
Simbula, A., Pau, R., Liu, F., Wu, L., Lai, S., Geddo-Lehmann, A., Filippetti, A., Loi, M. A., Marongiu, D., Quochi, F., Saba, M., Mura, A., & Bongiovanni, G. (2022). Direct measurement of radiative decay rates in metal halide perovskites†. Energy and Environmental Science, 15(3), 1211-1221.
Talsma, W., Ye, G., Liu, Y., Duim, H., Dijkstra, S., Tran, K., Qu, J., Song, J., Chiechi, R. C., & Loi, M. A. (2022). Efficient Selective Sorting of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes Using Ultra-Narrow-Band-Gap Polymers. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14(33), 38056-38066.
Bederak, D., Shulga, A., Kahmann, S., Talsma, W., Pelanskis, J., Dirin, D. N., Kovalenko, M. V., & Loi, M. A. (2022). Heterostructure from PbS Quantum Dot and Carbon Nanotube Inks for High-Efficiency Near-Infrared Light-Emitting Field-Effect Transistors. Advanced electronic materials, 8(7), Article 2101126.
Ye, G., Talsma, W., Tran, K., Liu, Y., Dijkstra, S., Cao, J., Chen, J., Qu, J., Song, J., Loi, M. A., & Chiechi, R. C. (2022). Polar Side Chains Enhance Selection of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Polymer Wrapping. Macromolecules, 55(4), 1386-1397.
Gahlot, K., de Graaf, S., Duim, H., Nedelcu, G., Koushki, R. M., Ahmadi, M., Gavhane, D., Lasorsa, A., De Luca, O., Rudolf, P., van der Wel, P. C. A., Loi, M. A., Kooi, B. J., Portale, G., Calbo, J., & Protesescu, L. (2022). Structural Dynamics and Tunability for Colloidal Tin Halide Perovskite Nanostructures. Advanced materials, 34(30), Article e2201353.
Kahmann, S., Duim, H., Rommens, A. J., Frohna, K., ten Brink, G. H., Portale, G., Stranks, S. D., & Loi, M. A. (2022). Taking a closer look - how the microstructure of Dion-Jacobson perovskites governs their photophysics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10(46), 17539-17549.
Kahmann, S., Meggiolaro, D., Gregori, L., Tekelenburg, E. K., Pitaro, M., Stranks, S. D., De Angelis, F., & Loi, M. A. (2022). The Origin of Broad Emission in ⟨100»Two-Dimensional Perovskites: Extrinsic vs Intrinsic Processes. ACS Energy Letters, 7(12), 4232-4241.
Pitaro, M., Pau, R., Duim, H., Mertens, M., Van Gompel, W. T. M., Portale, G., Lutsen, L., & Loi, M. A. (2022). Tin-lead-metal halide perovskite solar cells with enhanced crystallinity and efficiency by addition of fluorinated long organic cation. Applied physics reviews, 9(2), Article 021407.


Pitaro, M., Tekelenburg, E. K., Shao, S., & Loi, M. A. (2022). Tin Halide Perovskites: From Fundamental Properties to Solar Cells. Advanced materials, 34(1), Article 2105844.
Shao, S., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Advances and Prospective in Metal Halide Ruddlesen-Popper Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials, 11(11), Article 2003907.
Dyksik, M., Duim, H., Maude, D. K., Baranowski, M., Loi, M. A., & Plochocka, P. (2021). Brightening of dark excitons in 2D perovskites. Science Advances, 7(46), Article eabk0904.
Duim, H., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Chiral hybrid organic-inorganic metal halides: A route toward direct detection and emission of polarized light. Matter, 4(12), 3835-3851.
Loi, M. A., Shulga, A. G., & Bederak, D. Y. (2021). Colloidal nanoparticle inks for printing of active layers in an optoelectronic device. (Patent No. WO2021172986).
Garcia Romero, D., Di Mario, L., Portale, G., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Crystallization driven boost in fill factor and stability in additive-free organic solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9(42), 23783-23792.
Almora, O., Baran, D., Bazan, G. C., Berger, C., Cabrera, C. I., Catchpole, K. R., Erten-Ela, S., Guo, F., Hauch, J., Ho-Baillie, A. W. Y., Jacobsson, T. J., Janssen, R. A. J., Kirchartz, T., Kopidakis, N., Li, Y., Loi, M. A., Lunt, R. R., Mathew, X., McGehee, M. D., ... Brabec, C. J. (2021). Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 2). Advanced Energy Materials, 11(48), Article 2102526.
Ito, B. I., Tekelenburg, E. K., Blake, G. R., Loi, M. A., & Nogueira, A. F. (2021). Double Perovskite Single-Crystal Photoluminescence Quenching and Resurge: The Role of Cu Doping on its Photophysics and Crystal Structure. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 12(42), 10444-10449.
Tekelenburg, E. K., Kahmann, S., Kamminga, M. E., Blake, G. R., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Elucidating the Structure and Photophysics of Layered Perovskites through Cation Fluorination. Advanced optical materials, 9(18), Article 2001647.
Shao, S., Talsma, W., Pitaro, M., Dong, J., Kahmann, S., Rommens, A. J., Portale, G., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Field-Effect Transistors Based on Formamidinium Tin Triiodide Perovskite. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(11), Article 2008478.
Dong, J., Sami, S., Balazs, D. M., Alessandri, R., Jahani, F., Qiu, L., Marrink, S. J., Havenith, R. W. A., Hummelen, J. C., Loi, M. A., & Portale, G. (2021). Fullerene derivatives with oligoethylene-glycol side chains: An investigation on the origin of their outstanding transport properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 9(45), 16217-16225.
Filippetti, A., Kahmann, S., Caddeo, C., Mattoni, A., Saba, M., Bosin, A., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Fundamentals of tin iodide perovskites: A promising route to highly efficient, lead-free solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9(19), 11812-11826.
Kahmann, S., Duim, H., Rommens, A. J., Tekelenburg, E. K., Shao, S., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Grain-Specific Transitions Determine the Band Edge Luminescence in Dion–Jacobson Type 2D Perovskites. Advanced optical materials, 9(22), Article 2100892.
Shao, S., Nijenhuis, M., Dong, J., Kahmann, S., ten Brink, G. H., Portale, G., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Influence of the stoichiometry of tin-based 2D/3D perovskite active layers on solar cell performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9(16), 10095-10103 .
Liu, J., Van der Zee, B., Villava, D. R., Ye, G., Kahmann, S., Kamperman, M., Dong, J., Qiu, L., Portale, G., Loi, M. A., Hummelen, J. C., Chiechi, R. C., Baran, D., & Koster, L. J. A. (2021). Molecular Doping Directed by a Neutral Radical. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13(25), 29858–29865.
Kahmann, S., Duim, H., Fang, H. H., Dyksik, M., Adjokatse, S., Rivera Medina, M., Pitaro, M., Plochocka, P., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Photophysics of Two-Dimensional Perovskites—Learning from Metal Halide Substitution. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(46), Article 2103778.
Goossens, V. M., Sukharevska, N. V., Dirin, D. N., Kovalenko, M. V., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Scalable fabrication of efficient p-n junction lead sulfide quantum dot solar cells. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2(12), Article 100655.
Sukharevska, N., Bederak, D., Goossens, V. M., Momand, J., Duim, H., Dirin, D. N., Kovalenko, M., Kooi, B. J., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Scalable PbS Quantum Dot Solar Cell Production by Blade Coating from Stable Inks. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(4), 5195-5207.
Xi, J., Duim, H., Pitaro, M., Gahlot, K., Dong, J., Portale, G., & Loi, M. A. (2021). Scalable, Template Driven Formation of Highly Crystalline Lead-Tin Halide Perovskite Films. Advanced Functional Materials, 31(46), Article 2105734.
Bederak, D., Dirin, D. N., Sukharevska, N., Momand, J., Kovalenko, M., & Loi, M. A. (2021). S-Rich PbS Quantum Dots: A Promising p-Type Material for Optoelectronic Devices. Chemistry of Materials, 33(1), 320-326.
Giousis, T., Potsi, G., Kouloumpis, A., Spyrou, K., Georgantas, Y., Chalmpes, N., Dimos, K., Antoniou, M.-K., Papavassiliou, G., Bourlinos, A. B., Kim, H. J., Wadi, V. K. S., Alhassan, S., Ahmadi, M., Kooi, B. J., Blake, G., Balazs, D. M., Loi, M. A., Gournis, D., & Rudolf, P. (2021). Synthesis of 2D Germanane (GeH): a New, Fast, and Facile Approach. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 60(1), 360-365.
Xi, J., & Loi, M. A. (2021). The Fascinating Properties of Tin-Alloyed Halide Perovskites. ACS Energy Letters, 6(5), 1803-1810.
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