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Garretsen, Prof. Harry

Harry Garretsen
Harry Garretsen

Harry Garretsen is Professor of International Economics and Business. He studied economics at the University of Groningen and was awarded a PhD by the UG in 1991. He then went to work for De Nederlandsche Bank and was professor of economics at Radboud University Nijmegen and Utrecht University. Garretsen is a specialist in macro and international economics, and an expert in the field of leadership and how organizations operate.

He regularly takes part in public discussions on globalization or economic and political leadership via De Groene Amstadammer, Trouw, NRC Handelsblad or Het Financieele Dagblad. His membership of the editorial board of the online discussion forum for economists Me Judice is an example of his determination to be active for more than just his work colleagues. Together with Prof. Janka Stoker, Garretsen heads the In the LEAD research centre. See In the LEAD for more information, including their blogs.

From 2004–2014, Garretsen was deputy crown-appointed member of the Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands (SER), and from 2011–2016 Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UG. He is also a member of the Bank Council of the De Nederlandsche Bank and of the Supervisory Board of the WSW (social housing guarantee fund, guaranteeing loans granted by Dutch social housing organizations), visiting research fellow at the University of Cambridge, a member of St Catherine’s College Cambridge, and Research Fellow at the CESifo Institute Munich.


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Article Nederlands Dagblad

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Last modified:16 January 2024 4.28 p.m.
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