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Wilson, Prof. Erin

Erin Wilson
Erin Wilson

Erin Wilson is an associate professor of Politics and religion at the Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society . She studied Political Sciences and was awarded a PhD by the University of Queensland in 2008. Her research is at the interface of religious studies, international relations and philosophy. Wilson developed the ‘relational dialogism’ model, which provides new explanations for the roles and meaning of religion in terms of international relations. Her work is intended to be practical for politicians and policy-makers.

Erin Wilson encourages students to think critically; the link between theory and social practice is pivotal. ‘The university is not only an institution for acquiring knowledge, it also has a responsibility to produce good citizens, people who can think critically and are committed to making the world a better place,' says Wilson.

Her blog The Religion Factor has gained international renown. She is also co-editor of the book ‘The Refugee Crisis and Religion’. From 2012 to 2017, she was director of the Centre for Religion, Conflict and the Public Domain and she is currently a member of the Young Academy Groningen.

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Bos-Beeken, F., & Wilson, E. (2024, Mar 14). The End of the World as We Know It Is Exactly What We Need: Climate change demands new ways of knowing the world, beyond our core secular, state-centric beliefs. Social Science Research Council.


Wilson, E. K. (2022). Blurring Boundaries or Deepening Discourses on FoRB? From Global to Local and Back Again. Review of Faith and International Affairs, 20(2), 69-80.
Wilson, E. (2022). Religion and World Politics: Connecting Theory with Practice. (1 ed.) Routledge, Taylor and Francis group.


Bartelink, B., & Wilson, E. (2020). The spiritual is political: Reflecting on gender, religion and secularism in international development. In K. Kraft, & O. Wilkinson (Eds.), International Development Actors and Local Faith Communities: Ideological and Cultural Encounters (1 ed., pp. 45-58). Article section 1 (Routledge Research in Religion and Development). Routledge.


Wilson, E. (2019). Being critical of/about/on religion in International Relations. In J. Edkins (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Critical International Relations (1 ed., pp. 143-160). Routledge, Taylor and Francis group.
Wilson, E., & Schewel, B. (2019). Introduction. In B. Schewel, & E. K. Wilson (Eds.), Religion and European Society: A Primer (pp. 1-12). Wiley-Blackwell.
Davie, G., & Wilson, E. (2019). Religion and European Society: The Factors to Take Into Account. In B. Schewel, & E. K. Wilson (Eds.), Religion and European Society: A Primer (pp. 15-30). Wiley-Blackwell.


Wilson, E. (2018). Religion. In R. Bleiker (Ed.), Visual Global Politics (pp. 251-257). (Interventions). Routledge.
Marshall, K., Casey, S., Fitzgibbon, A., Karam, A., Lyck-Bowen, M., Nitschke, U., Owen, M., Phiri, I. A., Quatrucci, A., Soetendorp, R. A., Vitillo, R. J., & Wilson, E. (2018). Religious roles in refugee resettlement: pertinent experience and insights, addressed to G20 members. (pp. 7). (Economics Discussion Papers; No. 2018-11). Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
Wilson, E. (2018). Secularization and Secularism. In H. Callan (Ed.), The International Encyclopaedia of Anthropology (pp. 1-8). John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Wilson, E. (2018). Solidarity beyond religious and secular: Multiple ontologies as an ethical framework in the politics of forced displacement. In B. J. Steele, & E. A. Heinze (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Ethics and International Relations (pp. 527-542). Routledge.
Klomp, M., van der Meulen, M., Wilson, E., & Zijdemans, A. (2018). The Passion as Public Reflexivity: How the Dutch in a Ritual-musical Event Reflect on Religious and Moral Discussions in Society. Journal of Religion in Europe, 11(2-3), 195-221.
Grüll, C., & Wilson, E. (2018). Universal or Particular … or Both? The Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief in Cross-Cultural Perspective. The Review of Faith and International Affairs, 16(4), 88-101.


Mapril, J., Blanes, R., Giumbelli, E., & Wilson, E. K. (2017). Introduction: Secularities, Religiosities, and Subjectivities. In J. Mapril, R. Blanes, E. Giumbelli, & E. K. Wilson (Eds.), Secularisms in a Postsecular Age?: Religiosities and Subjectivities in Comparative Perspective (pp. 1-16). Springer International Publishing.
Wilson, E. K. (2017). ‘Power Differences’ and ‘the Power of Difference’: The Dominance of Secularism as Ontological Injustice. Globalizations, 14(7), 1076-1093.
Mapril, J., Blanes, R., Guimbelli, E., & Wilson, E. (Eds.) (2017). Secularisms in a Postsecular Age? Religiosities and Subjectivities in Comparative Perspective. Palgrave MacMillan.
Wilson, E. (2017, Jan 27). The insidious inequality of contemporary democracy. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2017). The socio-political dynamics of secularism and epistemological injustice in global justice theory and practice. European Societies, 19(5), 529-550.


Wilson, E. (2016). Beyond Dualism: Expanded Understandings of Religion and Global Justice. In S. Nelson, & N. Soguk (Eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Modern Theory, Modern Power, World Politics (pp. 313-336). Ashgate Publishing.
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E. (Ed.), Wilson, E., Abdulaziz, S., El Ella, O., Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, E., Hansen, E., le Roux, E., Poirier, M.-C., Riera-Cézanne, J., Stawski, H., & Wilkinson, O. (2016). Gender, Religion and Humanitarian responses to refugees. University College London.
Wilson, E., & Mavelli, L. (2016). ‘Good Muslim/ bad Muslim’ and ‘good refugee/bad refugee’ narratives are shaping European responses to the refugee crisis. LSE Religion and the Public Sphere Blog.
Mavelli, L., & Wilson, E. (2016). Post secularism and International Relations. In J. Haynes (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Religion and Politics (2 ed., pp. 251-269). Routledge.
Wilson, E. (2016). Religious identity and the refugee crisis: Remarks for the European Parliament Platform on Secularism in Politics meeting on the Role of Religion in Asylum Policies. Web publication/site, The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E., & Mavelli, L. (2016, Jun). Religious identity and the Refugee Crisis. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. (2016, Mar). The problem is religion - but not in the way we think. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E., & Mavelli, L. (2016). The Refugee Crisis and Religion: Beyond Conceptual and Physical Boundaries. In E. Wilson, & L. Mavelli (Eds.), The Refugee Crisis and Religion: Secularism, Security and Hospitality in Question (pp. 1-22). (Critical Perspectives on Religion in International Politics ). Rowman and Littlefield.
Wilson, E., & Mavelli, L. (2016). The refugee crisis and religion: Beyond Physical and Conceptual Boundaries. Social Science Research Council.
Wilson, E., & Mavelli, L. (Eds.) (2016). The Refugee Crisis and Religion: Secularism, Security and Hospitality in Question. Rowman and Littlefield.
Wilson, E., & Mavelli, L. (2016, Dec). The 'refugee crisis', religion and encounters with the divine through the human at Christmas. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E., & Mavelli, L. (2016, Dec). Was Jesus a Refugee? Encountering the Divine through the truly Human. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


Wilson, E. (2015, Nov 17). Accepting Ambiguity: Being Content with Uncertainty amidst the Urge for Security.
Wilson, E. (2015). Freedom of religion - universal right or matter of national security? In C. Acred (Ed.), Faith and Religion (pp. 36). (Issues Series; Vol. 285). Independence Education Publishers.
Wilson, E. (2015). Good International Citizen or Nation Under Threat? 1989 and the Politics of Identity in Australia. In U. Engler, F. Hadler, & M. Middell (Eds.), 1989 in a Global Perspective (pp. 297-330). Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
Wilson, E. (2015, Jan 20). Living well together: secularism, liberal democracy and uncertainty in the wake of Charlie Hebdo. The Religion Factor.
Buitelaar, M., Knibbe, K., & Wilson, E. (2015, Apr 2). Religion and Conflict: Beyond Cliches and Stereotypes. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Wilson, E. (2015). Religion, Secularism and Social Justice Beyond the Nation-State. In G. J. Adler, Jr (Ed.), Secularism, Catholicism and the Future of Public Life: A Dialogue with Ambassador Douglas W. Kmiec (pp. 177-195). Oxford University Press.
Bartelink, B., Wilson, E., & Haze, N. (2015). Spirituality as a conduit for social transformation? Rethinking secular and religious assumptions in development practice: Report and Critical Research Reflection on Channels of Hope HIV&AIDS and MNCH – Zimbabwe . World Vision.–-zimbabwe-0
Wilson, E. (2015, Dec 11). Terrorism, climate change and the politics of ‘radicalization’. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E., & Bartelink, B. (2015, Dec 9). The spiritual is political: Blurring boundaries and challenging assumptions in religion and development. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E., & Bartelink, B. (2015, Dec 10). Towards a broader research agenda in religion and development. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. (2015, Dec 15). Whose religion? Whose tolerance? A response to Jonathan Israel. The Religion Factor.


Wilson, E. (2014, Apr 17). "Culture" or "religion"? Understanding the popularity of the passion. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. (2014, Nov 17). Faith and the Asylum Crisis: The Role of Religion in Responding to Displacement. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2014). Faith-based Organisations and Post-secularism in Contemporary International Relations. In L. Mavelli (Ed.), Towards a Postsecular International Relations: New Forms of Community, Identity and Power (pp. 219-241). (Culture and Religion in International Relations). Palgrave MacMillan.
Wilson, E. (2014, Nov 20). Is it really ‘inconceivable’? Reimagining the role of religion in promoting gender equality. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. (2014). Justice Globalism. In M. Steger, J. Siracusa, & P. Battersby (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Globalization (pp. 39-54). SAGE Publications Inc..
Wilson, E., & Bartelink, B. (2014, Sept 17). Levelling the playing field: Development, religion and the entanglement of social and personal transformation. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. (2014, Sept 1). Secularism, Security and the Limits of the State: The Role of Religion in the Displacement Crisis. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. (2014). Theorizing Religion as Politics in Postsecular International Relations. Politics, Religion & Ideology, 15(3), 347-365.
May, S., Wilson, E., Baumgart-Ochse, C., & Sheikh, F. (2014). The religious as political and the political as religious: Globalization, Post-secularism and the Shifting Boundaries of the Sacred. Politics, Religion & Ideology, 15(3), 331-346.
Wilson, E. (2014, Jun 20). The Religious/Secular Divide and the Global Displacement Crisis. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. (2014, Apr 25). The UN Refugee Convention 60 years on: time to rethink approaches to protection? The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. (2014, Apr 7). Understanding Evil, Encouraging Forgiveness: Lessons from Rwanda 20 Years On. The Religion Factor.
Bartelink, B., & Wilson, E. K. (2014). We must all be allowed to love each other with honour: spirituality and social transformation. Web publication/site, openDemocracy.


Wilson, E. K. (2013, Sept 12). A secular saint? The life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. (blog ed.) Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Wilson, E. K. (2013). " Be welcome: lessons in hospitality from Victor Hugo and Monseigneur Bienvenu" , parts one and two. (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2013). Be Welcome: Religion, Hospitality and Statelessness in International Politics. In Gideon Baker (Ed.), Hospitality and World Politics (pp. 145 - 170). Palgrave MacMillan.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Jul 30). Engaging religion at the Department of State. (blog ed.) The Immanent Frame.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Nov 5). Globalization, religion and humanity beyond the nation-state. (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
B. Steger, M., & Wilson, E. K. (2013). Globalizing. In C. L. W.-N. Bruce Curtis Steve Matthewman (Ed.), Being Sociological (pp. 271 - 290). Palgrave MacMillan.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Jan 7). "It is not about us: asylum seekers and the right to belong. (blog ed.) Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
B. Steger, M., Goodman, J. E., & Wilson, E. K. (Eds.) (2013). Justice globalism: ideology, crises, policy. SAGE Publications Inc.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Apr 16). Order, justice and extremism: Martin Luther King Jr. and ' Letter from Birmingham Jail' 50 years on. (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K., & Bleiker, R. (2013). Performing Political Apologies. In E. Resende, & D. Budryte (Eds.), Memory and Trauma in International Relations: Theories, Cases and Debates (pp. 42-56). Routledge.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Feb 26). Prophet, priest, martyr ... God? US civil religion and the President of the United State of America. (blog ed.)
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Dec 10). Religion and human rights. (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. (2013, Dec 10). Religion and Human Rights: The challenges of universalism and cultural particularism. The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Nov 28). Religion and international relations theory. (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K., & B. Steger, M. (2013). Religious Globalisms in the Post-Secular Age. Globalizations, 10(3), 481-495.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Feb 19). " Religious or political? Or both? Religious rituals as political activism". (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2013). Rethinking Religion and Politics in Postsecular Europe. In Christoph Jedan (Ed.), Constellations of value (pp. 121 - 138). Lit Verlag.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, May 23). Saving lives - but which ones? Life, belonging and postsecular possibilities in contemporary asylum politics. (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
Meinema, E., & Wilson, E. K. (2013). Sinterklaas, Zwarte Piet and the ethics of public debate. Web publication/site, The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2013). "That they may life". (blog ed.) Centre for public Christianity.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Apr 3). " The passion: encroaching religion, cultural heritage or signs of postsecularism?". (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Aug 14). What does "engaging religion" mean for religion? The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2013, Jul 6). "What it means to value life : the role of religions in global asylum and protection". (blog ed.) Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


Wilson, E. K. (2012). After Secularism: Rethinking Religion in Global Politics. Palgrave MacMillan.
B. Steger, M., & Wilson, E. K. (2012). Anti-Globalization or Alter-Globalization? Mapping the Political Ideology of the Global Justice Movement. International Studies Quarterly, 56(3), 439-454.
Wilson, E. K. (2012, Nov 22). Change the language, change the story? Some thoughts on religion, conflict and peace in the Middle East and beyond - part one and part two. (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2012). Globalists. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization Vol II (pp. 845 - 846). Blackwell Publishing.
Wilson, E. K. (2012). Globality. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization Vol II (pp. 848 - 849). Blackwell Publishing.
Wilson, E. K. (2012, Oct 15). God bless America: US civil religion and the President as prophet, priest and martyr of the nation. (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2012). International Relations. In H. K. Anheier, & M. Juergensmeyer (Eds.), Sage Encyclopedia of Global Studies; vol. VII (pp. 945 - 949). SAGE Publications Inc..
Wilson, E. K. (2012, Nov 29). Moving Beyond Reason vs Faith: The Role of Religion in Responding to Climate Change, Parts One and Two. (blog ed.) Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
Wilson, E. K. (2012, Sept 3). Reason, reflection, resistance, revolution? Experiments with the post-secular - part one and part two. (blog ed.) The Religion Factor.
Wilson, E. K. (2012). Westphalia, Treaty of, and Post-Westphalian World. In M. Juergensmeyer, & H. K. Anheier (Eds.), Sage Encyclopedia of Global Studies; Vol IV (pp. 1787 - 1790). SAGE Publications Inc..


Wilson, E. (2011). Much to be proud of, much to be done: Faith-based organisations and the politics of asylum in Australia. Journal of refugee studies, 24(3), 548-564.


Wilson, E. (2010). Beyond Dualism: Expanded Understandings of Religion and Global Justice. International Studies Quarterly, 54(3), 733-754.
Wilson, E. (2010). From Apathy to Action: Promoting Active Citizenship and Global Responsibility Amongst Populations in the Global North. Global Society, 24(2), 275-296.
Wilson, E. (2010). Protecting the Unprotected: reconceptualising refugee protection through the notion of hospitality. Local Global, 8(1), 100-122.
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