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Stamhuis, Dr Eize

Eize Stamhuis
Eize Stamhuis

Eize Stamhuis is Associate Professor of Experimental Marine Zoology and Professor of Biological Fluid Mechanics & Locomotion at Bremen University of Applied Sciences. He is also co-founder of the Bionica Innovatie en Expertise Centrum [Biomimetics Innovation and Expertise Centre] in Groningen. Biomimetics is all about finding inspiration in nature. The discipline also attempts to understand nature and use the lessons learned to develop innovative solutions to technical and medical challenges.

Nature has already thought up solutions to many technological problems, often in the distant past. ‘Imitating nature exactly isn’t very practical, but we can certainly be inspired by it’, says Stamhuis. In his research he specializes in the biophysics involved in fish swimming and birds flying. He shows how researchers and designers can learn from animals and the laws of physics in nature, from fluid dynamics to birds’ flight behaviour and the swimming behaviour of fish. Whether it’s a car design inspired by a boxfish, or the adjustment of boat screws based on a penguin’s flipper movement, Stamhuis knows all about it.

In his wind tunnel at Zernike Campus, Stamhuis discovered the smart power of sea birds. An alliance with two pioneering entrepreneurs led to the Albatrozz start-up for new wind turbine blades.


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Montoya, E. E. H., Mendoza, E., & Stamhuis, E. J. (2023). Biomimetic Design of Turbine Blades for Ocean Current Power Generation. Biomimetics, 8(1), Article 118.
Hernández Montoya, E. E., & Stamhuis, E. (2023). Biomimetic Design of Turbine Blades for Ocean Current Power Generation. Abstract from Biomechanics in Nature, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Fang, X., & Stamhuis, E. (2023). Bio-Model Selection, Processing and Results for Bio-Inspired Truck Streamlining. Biomimetics, 8(2), Article 175.
Boute, P. G., Ersü, E., & Stamhuis, E. J. (2023). Experimental evaluation of a biomimetic manta-ray filter for solid-liquid separation. 36-36. Abstract from Filters in Biology+Biomimetics, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Boute, P. G., Bij de Vaate, I., Van Gorp, M., Van Wassenbergh, S., & Stamhuis, E. J. (2023). Form and function in boxfishes (Ostraciidae and Aracanidae): A body-drag perspective. 17-17. Abstract from Biomechanics in Nature, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Van Gorp, M., Bij de Vaate, I., Baeckens, S., Boute, P. G., Alfaro, M., Stamhuis, E. J., & Van Wassenbergh, S. (2023). Variation in body drag among boxfish families. Poster session presented at Society for Experimental Biology Centenary Conference 2023, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Wang, C., Stamhuis, E., Veldman, A., & Vakis, A. I. (2023). Vortex induced vibrations of marine risers: validating turbulence models - EWTEC 2023. Paper presented at 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.


Liu, C., Li, P., Song, F., Stamhuis, E. J., & Sun, J. (2022). Design optimization and wind tunnel investigation of a flapping system based on the flapping wing trajectories of a beetle's hindwings. Computers in biology and medicine, 140, Article 105085.
Ramesh, A., Domingues, M. M., Stamhuis, E. J., Groothuis, T. G. G., Weissing, F. J., & Nicolaus, M. (2021). Does genetic differentiation underlie behavioral divergence in response to migration barriers in sticklebacks? A common garden experiment. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 75(12), Article 161.
Boute, P. G., Van Wassenbergh, S., & Stamhuis, E. J. (2021). Modulation of yaw by the caudal fin in the yellow boxfish (Ostracion cubicus). 115. Abstract from SEB 2021 Annual Conference.


Boute, P. G., Van Wassenbergh, S., & Stamhuis, E. J. (2020). Modulating yaw with an unstable rigid body and a course-stabilizing or steering caudal fin in the yellow boxfish (Ostracion cubicus). Royal Society Open Science, 7(4), Article 200129.


Quicazan Rubio, E., van Leeuwen, J. L., van Manen, K., Fleuren, M., Pollux, B. J. A., & Stamhuis, E. (2019). Coasting in live-bearing fish: The drag penalty of being pregnant. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16(151).


Briek, B., Stamhuis, E. J., & Worst, D. (2018). Filter-foraging strategies of captive American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) in relation to food type, density and distribution in the water column. Journal of zoo and aquarium research, 6(3), 68-73.
Thielicke, W., & Stamhuis, E. J. (2018). The effects of wing twist in slow-speed flapping flight of birds: Trading brute force against efficiency. Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 13(5), 056015.


Stamhuis, E. J. (2017). Biomimetic Wind Turbine Design with Lift Enhancing Periodic Stall. (Patent No. WO2017105244).
Stamhuis, E. J., & Gilbert Cook, A. (2017). Hydrolysis of enamines. In G. Cook (Ed.), Enamines: Synthesis, Structure, and Reactions: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded (2 ed., pp. 165-180). CRC Press.


Stamhuis, E., Sander, A., & Baars, A. (2016). Fish-like undulation of a NACA 0012 profile – a numerical study. Poster session presented at Bionik Kongress 2016 "Patente aus der Natur", Bremen, Germany.
Stamhuis, E., & Noffke, N. (2016). How Albatrosses and Fulmars prevent a Crash Landing. Poster session presented at Society for Experimental Biology Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.


Van Wassenbergh, S., van Manen, K., Marcroft, T. A., Alfaro, M. E., & Stamhuis, E. J. (2015). Boxfish swimming paradox resolved: forces by the flow of water around the body promote manoeuvrability. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(103), Article 20141146.
Stamhuis, E. J., & Lengkeek, W. (2015). Method of and system for controlling a height distribution of a bottom of a water. (Patent No. WO2015174826).
Stamhuis, E., & Thielicke, W. (2015). PIVlab - a time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) tool. Software
Stamhuis, E., & Thielicke, W. (2015). PIVlab - Time-Resolved Digital Particle Image Velocimetry Tool for MATLAB. Web publication/site
Thielicke, W., & Stamhuis, E. J. (2015). The influence of wing morphology on the three-dimensional flow patterns of a flapping wing at bird scale. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 768, 240-260.
Stamhuis, E. (2015). Website - SeaCurrent - Release tidal energy. Web publication/site


Van Wassenbergh, S., van Manen, K., Marcroft, T. A., Alfaro, M. E., & Stamhuis, E. (2014). Boxfish carapace hydrodynamics: a test of the self-stabilization and low body-drag hypotheses. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 54, E213-E213.
Stamhuis, E., & Thielicke, W. (2014). PIVlab – Towards User-friendly, Affordable and Accurate Digital Particle Image Velocimetry in MATLAB. Journal of Open Research Software, 2(1), Article 30.
Ekkers, D. M., Claessen, D., Galli, F., & Stamhuis, E. (2014). Surface modification using interfacial assembly of the Streptomyces chaplin proteins. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98(10), 4491-4501.


Guttridge, T. L., van Dijk, S., Stamhuis, E. J., Krause, J., Gruber, S. H., & Brown, C. (2013). Social learning in juvenile lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris. Animal Cognition, 16(1), 55-64.


Thielicke, W., Kesel, A. B., & Stamhuis, E. (2011). Reliable Force Predictions for a Flapping-wing Micro Air Vehicle: A "Vortex-lift" Approach. International journal of micro air vehicles, 3(4), 201-215.


Hemelrijk, C. K., Hildenbrandt, H., Reinders, J., & Stamhuis, E. J. (2010). Emergence of oblong school shape: Models and empirical data of fish. Ethology, 116(11), 1099-1112.
Stamhuis, E., & Hoefnagel, N. (2010). What is the mechanism behind the low body drag in penguins? In A. B. Kesel, & D. Zehren (Eds.), Bionik: Patente der Natur - 2010


Troost, K., Stamhuis, E. J., van Duren, L. A., & Wolff, W. J. (2009). Feeding current characteristics of three morphologically different bivalve suspension feeders, Crassostrea gigas, Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule, in relation to food competition. Marine Biology, 156(3), 355-372.
Hoving, H. J. T., Nauwelaerts, S., van Genne, B., Stamhuis, E. J., & Zumholz, K. (2009). Spermatophore implantation in Rossia moelleri Steenstrup, 1856 (Sepiolidae; Cephalopoda). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 372(1-2), 75-81.


Troost, K., Veldhuizen, R., Stamhuis, E. J., & Wolff, W. J. (2008). Can bivalve veligers escape feeding currents of adult bivalves? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 358(2), 185-196.


Lentink, D., Muller, U. K., Stamhuis, E. J., de Kat, R., van Gestel, W., Veldhuis, L. L. M., Henningsson, P., Hedenstrom, A., & Videler, J. J. (2007). How swifts control their glide performance with morphing wings. Nature, 446(7139), 1082-1085.
Stamhuis, E. J. (2007). Shedding light on animal generated flows: Quantitative analysis of animal generated flow patterns using DPIV. In R. Liebe (Ed.), Fluid flow in nature Vol.2: Inspiration, Learning and Application (pp. 735-746). Wessex Institute for Technology Press.
Stamhuis, E. J. (2007). Vortices rule the wake: Structure and Reynold's scaling of animal generated wakes. In R. Liebe (Ed.), Fluid flow in nature Vol.1: A challenge for engineering design (pp. 357-372). Wessex Institute for Technology Press.


Stamhuis, E. J. (2006). Basics and principles of particle image velocimetry (PIV) for mapping biogenic and biologically relevant flows. Aquatic Ecology, 40(4), 463-479.
Steinke, M., Stefels, J., & Stamhuis, E. J. (2006). Dimethyl sulfide triggers search behavior in copepods. Limnology and Oceanography, 51(4), 1925-1930.


Nauwelaerts, S., Stamhuis, EJ., & Aerts, P. (2005). Propulsive force calculations in swimming frogs I: A momentum-impulse approach. Journal of Experimental Biology, 208(8), 1435-1443.
Stamhuis, E. J., & Nauwelaerts, S. (2005). Propulsive force calculations in swimming frogs II. Application of a vortex ring model to DPIV data. Journal of Experimental Biology, 208(8), 1445-1451.
Nauwelaerts, S., Stamhuis, E., & Aerts, P. (2005). Swimming and jumping in a semi-aquatic frog. Animal Biology, 55(1), 3-15.


Troost, K., Kamermans, P., Stamhuis, E., & Wolff, W. J. (2004). Are introduced oyster (Crassostrea gigas) hampering the recruitment of indigenous bivalve filter feeders?. 10. Abstract from ICES conference 2004, United Kingdom.
Videler, J. J., Stamhuis, E. J., & Povel, G. D. E. (2004). Leading-Edge Vortex lifts swifts. Science, 306(5703), 1960-1962.


Stamhuis, E. J., Videler, J. J., van Duren, L. A., & Muller, U. K. (2002). Applying digital particle image velocimetry to animal-generated flows: Traps, hurdles and cures in mapping steady and unsteady flows in Re regimes between 10(-2) and 10(5). Experiments in Fluids, 33(6), 801-813.
Muller, UK., Stamhuis, EJ., & Videler, JJ. (2002). Riding the Waves: the Role of the Body Wave in Undulatory Fish Swimming1 . Integrative and Comparative Biology, 42(5), 981-987.
Videler, J. J., Stamhuis, E. J., Muller, U. K., & van Duren, L. A. (2002). The scaling and structure of aquatic animal wakes. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 42(5), 988-996.


Müller, U. K., Smit, J., Stamhuis, E. J., & Videler, J. J. (2001). How the body contributes to the wake in undulatory fish swimming: Flow fields of a swimming eel (Anguilla anguilla). Journal of Experimental Biology, 204(16), 2751-2762.


Muller, UK., Stamhuis, E., & Ellington, CP. (2000). Quantifying the leading-edge vortex of a hovering robotic insect during the downstroke. American zoologist, 40(6), 1142-1143.


Videler, JJ., Muller, UK., & Stamhuis, EJ. (1999). Aquatic vertebrate locomotion: Wakes from body waves. Journal of Experimental Biology, 202(23), 3423-3430.


Stamhuis, E. J., & Videler, J. J. (1998). Burrow ventilation in the tube-dwelling shrimp Callianassa subterranea (Decapoda: thalassinidea). III. Hydrodynamic modelling and the energetics of pleopod pumping. Journal of Experimental Biology, 201(14), 2171-2181.
Stamhuis, E. J., & Videler, J. J. (1998). Burrow ventilation in the tube-dwelling shrimp callianassa subterranea (Decapoda: thalassinidea). II. The flow in the vicinity of the shrimp and the energetic advantages of a laminar non-pulsating ventilation current. Journal of Experimental Biology, 201(14), 2159-2170.
Stamhuis, E. J., & Videler, J. J. (1998). Burrow ventilation in the tube-dwelling shrimp Callianassa subterranea (Decapoda Thalassinidea) - I. Morphology and motion of the pleopods, uropods and telson. Journal of Experimental Biology, 201(14), 2151-2158.
Stamhuis, EJ., Dauwe, B., & Videler, JJ. (1998). How to bite the dust: morphology, motion pattern and function of the feeding appendages of the deposit-feeding thalassinid shrimp Callianassa subterranea. Marine Biology, 132(1), 43-58.
Stamhuis, E. J., Videler, J. J., & de Wilde, P. A. W. J. (1998). Optimal foraging in the thalassinidean shrimp Callianassa subterranea - Improving food quality by grain size selection. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 228(2), 197-208.
van Duren, L. A., Stamhuis, E. J., & Videler, J. J. (1998). Reading the copepod personal ads: Increasing encounter probility with hydromechanical signals. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, 353(1369), 691-700.


Stamhuis, EJ., Schreurs, CE., & Videler, JJ. (1997). Burrow architecture and turbative activity of the thalassinid shrimp Callianassa subterranea from the central North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 151, 155-163.
Mueller, U. K., van den Heuvel, B. L. E., Stamhuis, E., & Videler, J. J. (1997). Fish foot prints: Morphology and energetics of the wake behind a continuously swimming mullet (Chelon labrosus risso). Journal of Experimental Biology, 200(22), 2893-2906.
Stamhuis, E. J. (1997). Mining, brushing and flushing: Feeding mechanism, turbative activity and behavioural energetics of the endobenthic thalassinid shrimp Callianassa subterranea. [Thesis fully internal (DIV), University of Groningen]. s.n.


Stamhuis, EJ., & Videler, JJ. (1995). Quantitative flow analysis around aquatic animals using laser sheet particle image velocimetry. Journal of Experimental Biology, 198(2), 283-294.


Stamhuis, E. (1991). Pleopod Movements of a Tube Dwelling Decopod. 722.
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